======================================================================== VIEW THIS IN A MONOSPACED FONT A game guide for MAUPITI ISLAND (1991, English DOS version) by Dronon, largely adapted from the French Amiga guide, written by Oualassou with Geezus and Hoagie. Additional thanks to Fredo for the lankhor.net website, And huge thanks to Robotspacer, for his invaluable help. July 2024 ======================================================================== This guide has three major sections: 1. HOW THIS GAME WORKS 2. HINTS 3. SPOILERS ======================================================================== ======================================================================== 1. HOW THIS GAME WORKS ======================================================================== ======================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0. Introduction. 1.1. Installation, Bug fix, and Emulation 1.2. Game start, Keyboard and mouse controls 1.3. The story 1.4. Mechanics: 1.4.1. Time 1.4.2. Trust 1.4.3. Health 1.4.4. Clues 1.5. Death, and Ending the game 1.6. The Game Screen: (There's a lot here!) 1.6.1. The four areas on the right side 1.6.2. The five top menus Movement Inventory Action Self File 1.7. Talking: 1.7.1. Ask 1.7.2. Debate 1.8. Following people, and the Map 2. Hints: (See its Table of contents) 3. Spoilers: (See its Table of contents) ======================================================================== 1.0. INTRODUCTION ======================================================================== Maupiti Island is a point-and-click mystery adventure game from 1990. It was ambitious in its complexity, but also frustrating and difficult to figure out. This guide is for helping you achieve the solution! What makes this game difficult? The clunky user interface, far too much information to sift through, and a lot of useless items. There are tiny pixels and details you have to notice. There are specific actions that only work in specific rooms, in specific spots. The game offers no hints about what's important. As Robotspacer puts it, "The developers of this game don't think it's their job to help you beat the game." And it's true; the devs expect you to put in a ton of brute-force trial and error. People's motives and actions are seldom explained. You have to deduce things for yourself, based on minimal context. On top of this, there are time limits, and you can run out of health and trust, ending the game early. And to be honest, the ending is not in the least satisfying. If you can reach the ending - that is a *huge* accomplishment! It's more of a journey, not a destination. Yet despite its flaws, I have a soft spot for it, for what it could have been. But I don't delude myself; its design is bad and sometimes cruel. My online colleague Misroi said, "There is no winning Maupiti Island - there is only defeating it." If you want to try this challenging game, don't do it alone! Play it with friends, or get several other gamers to play it at the same time, and share your discoveries. That's how it would have been done back in 1990, before the Web and mobile phones. Content Warning: Some conversations in this game may mention murder, prostitution, drugs, racism, slavery, and other topics. Also, in writing this guide, I need to give important credit. Firstly, I relied on a spoiler-rich French guide for the Amiga version of the game. This was a 290-page PowerPoint file, written by Oualassou with help from Geezus and Hoagie: https://www.lankhor.net/jeux.php?jeu=16&menu=solution (Click on "Telecharger le guide complet Maupiti Island".) These (and other resources) were hosted by Fredo at lankhor.net. Their research and experimentation saved me hours and hours of work. When I first played the game, I had no understanding of its hidden mechanics, until I found their guide. I can't possibly thank them enough! Secondly, I need to *greatly* thank Robotspacer, who coincidentally started live-streaming the game on Twitch just as I began to work on this guide. Not only did he explain how to overcome a game bug, he was also experiencing the game for the first time. With the fresh eyes and mind of a new player, he helped me renew my understanding of what this game felt like for someone who had never played it before. His outlook and perspectives have been invaluably encouraging! And because of his streams, I looked more closely at the game mechanics, and discovered additional aspects that weren't in the French game guide. ======================================================================== 1.1. INSTALLATION, BUG FIX, AND EMULATION ======================================================================== Maupiti Island was developed in France by Lankhor, released in 1990 for the Amiga, then for the Atari ST and for DOS in 1991. This guide is for the English DOS version, but the game should basically be the same on any platform. I'll discuss the Amiga version at the end of this section. As of July 2024, the DOS game files are available at sites like these: https://www.myabandonware.com/game/maupiti-island-y4 https://www.oldgames.sk/en/game/maupiti-island/download/397/ https://lankhor.net/jeux/jeu/jeu16-pc.zip ("version 2" folder) http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/626/Maupiti+Island.html https://www.abandonwaredos.com/abandonware-game.php?&gid=2448 The terrible manual is here: https://www.oldgames.sk/en/game/maupiti-island/download/2868/ The game's cover art looked like this: https://www.oldgames.sk/en/game/maupiti-island/download/2870/ (That's the only place you can see an image of Marie, the missing woman you're looking for.) Using a DOS emulator, run MAUPITI.BAT to start the game. I'll discuss emulators below, but first, there's a problem. One of the game files is MAUPAN.EXE. Originally, it's about 32 KB in size. A long time ago, to get the English version of the game to work in modern DOS emulators, someone made a cracked/patched version of MAUPAN.EXE, about 56 KB in size. Some websites provide this 56 KB file by default; others provide the crack as a separate file (typically inside CRACK.ZIP). Some sites don't provide it at all. The 56 KB file unfortunately has a bug that crashes the game whenever you try to inspect certain items more closely: newspapers, notes, letters, photographs, etc. There are three solutions to this. Solution 1: Download the fixed version of MAUPAN.EXE from Robotspacer's site! (This is the hex-edited file mentioned in Solution 3.) https://robotspacer.tv/news/maupiti-island-patch.html Solution 2: (My discovery) Only look at the problem items when you're in your cabin, the location where you start the game. This is impractical, and doesn't work for things that you can't carry with you. Solution 3: Using a Hex editor, edit two values in the 56 KB version of MAUPAN.EXE. Value 0000 8B0B , change from 75 to 90. Value 0000 8B0C , change from CC to 90. And you're done! (Robotspacer's copy in Solution 1 has already edited this for you.) There's a whole chain of people who kept alive the knowledge of this bug fix, from Themabus who posted about it here: http://www.abandonia.com/vbullet/showthread.php?t=7111&page=2 , Agustin Cordes and others, then Robotspacer, all of whom have my profound thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Next, Emulation! A lot of people use the DosBox emulator for old DOS games, but I prefer DosBox-X, because it lets you create save states, and you can click your middle mouse wheel to make your pointer escape the game window. Detailed instructions are not really possible here, because it depends a lot on your personal computer set-up, and how much you know about DOS to begin with. But basically, put all the Maupiti game files in a folder on your computer. For example, on a Windows PC, you could put them in a folder on your D drive called D:\Dos\Maupiti . DosBox has a configuration file (dosbox.conf or dosbox-x.conf). It's a long text file that has lots of settings inside. At the end of this file, type in these lines (assuming the above folder path): MOUNT C D:\Dos\Maupiti C: MAUPITI.BAT And hopefully that should work! Other settings that I like to use for this game are: # [in dosbox.conf] (DosBox v. 0.74-3) output=ddraw sensitivity=40 scaler=normal3x aspect=false # [in dosbox-x.conf] (DosBox-X v. 2023.10.06) output = direct3d autolock = true autolock_feedback = none middle_unlock = auto mouse_emulation = integration saveremark = true aspect = true aspect_ratio = -1:-1 doublescan = false scaler = normal3x The above settings should let you manually adjust the size of the window (in DosBox-X, at least), and the game should scale to fit. The way DosBox-X scales the image depends on several settings, especially on the combination of 'aspect', 'output' and 'scaler'. The game's original resolution was 320 x 200. However, North American players would have been looking at it on CRT monitors which would have stretched and slightly blurred the image to a 4:3 ratio (320 x 240). To emulate that: In DosBox-X, use this setting instead: aspect_ratio = 4:3 Or in regular DosBox (not so sure about these settings): windowresolution=original aspect=true If the screen and conversation transitions are taking too long, you can try changing the cycles (the emulation speed): In DosBox, press the Ctrl key with either F11 or F12. In DosBox-X, press the F11 key with either - or = . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Amiga version: Amiga emulation can be a bit of a challenge, and I'm the wrong person to ask about it. But if you can get the Amiga version of Maupiti Island to work, it's got a lot more extra detail that you never experience in the DOS version! For example: - People's mouths and eyes move when you talk to them. Many character portraits look very different! - There are little screen animations all over the place. - There are extra sound effects - some environmental, some rather dramatic when you discover things. The game has a lot more sound in general. - The changes in light, as day transitions to night, are more gradual and not as sudden. - Some of the tiny pixel-hunting places on the screen are more difficult to spot. - If you get the mechanical piano to play music, the keys move to match the melody! - If you stand outside Maguy's, lights in the rooms turn on and off during the night. - You can see smoke come out of Juste's chimney at one point. - Anita's room has different posters, and a cat! - And more! ======================================================================== 1.2. GAME START, KEYBOARD AND MOUSE CONTROLS ======================================================================== When the game begins, choose "V" for VGA, and "M" for mouse. You can skip the opening credits by pressing the Space bar. If you press the Alt key during the opening credits, you'll see a slow, pre-recorded demo of what the game play looks like. I'm not sure how to exit this mode; you may have to re-start the game. Most of the game is played with the mouse. Controls: Right-click mouse - Repeat the last action. VERY useful! S - Turn music on-off. F1 - Turn synthesized speech on-off. F10 - Turn speech text on-off. 1 - Movement menu. 2 - Inventory menu. 3 - Action menu. 4 - Self menu. You can't turn off both F1 and F10; one of them will still work. There doesn't seem to be a way to skip dialog. If you're using an emulator such as DosBox, you have to figure out how to make your mouse pointer escape the game window. DosBox-X uses clicking the middle mouse wheel for this. ======================================================================== 1.3. THE STORY ======================================================================== You are Jerome Lange, a French private detective, who recently finished an investigation at Mortville Manor. Yes, this is a sequel from a 1987 game! You don't need to have played it. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortville_Manor ) After the Mortville Manor case, Jerome takes a trip in January 1954 to visit an old friend in Madagascar. While there, he gets a letter from his friend Max, inviting him to Japan. (This was for a third game in the series that wasn't finished, called "Soukiya".) Jerome's friend in Madagascar lends him a yacht (the Brisban) to take him north-east across the western side of the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea. To quote from the game manual, where Jerome writes in his diary: Monday, January 25, 1954: Indian Ocean. The Brisban has hoisted anchor, headed toward Karachi where an old plane will take me onto Tokyo. Bob, the captain, and Anton, the mate, will be my only companions on the cruise. Saturday, January 30, 1954: In the middle of the Indian Ocean, during the night... A hurricane is predicted. We have taken refuge on Maupiti. [It should be noted that Maupiti Island is an actual place... over 8000 miles away in the Pacific Ocean. The Maupiti Island in *this* game is entirely fictional, probably near the Seychelles.] Sunday, January 31, 1954: Maupiti. The hurricane passed far from the island. A fishing boat, the Bamboo, arrived and cast anchor next to the Brisban during the night. On board, there is Bruce, the captain; Roy, the mate; and Chris, a sailor. At nine in the morning, a woman who calls herself Maguy came to see me. She was terribly upset: a girl named Marie was kidnapped during the night. She asked me to find her. Since I have nothing better to do, I agreed to lead an investigation. Maguy gave me the names of the people who live on Maupiti. Besides the names given, I add Sue and Anita, employees at Maguy's house, as well as Juste, the handyman on Maupiti, to the list of people who were on the island last night. It is ten o'clock, and I only have a few hours to find Marie. ======================================================================== 1.4.1. TIME ======================================================================== The hour hand of the on-screen clock is a bit inaccurate. Each hour, from the 35-minute mark to the 55-minute mark, the hour hand points to the UPCOMING hour. To put it another way: If the clock shows 1:00 to 1:30, that's the actual game time. From 1:35 to 1:55, the clock shows the time as 2:35 to 2:55. After "2:55", the clock changes to 2:00. Throughout this guide, I refer to "Day 1" and "Day 2", which are: Day 1 = 31.01 = Sunday, January 31, 1954. Day 2 = 01.02 = Monday, February 1, 1954. The game has time limits. Things change every half-hour. The in-game clock slowly advances on its own. Travel from one part of the island to another takes time; as does eating and sleeping. You can also use the "Wait" action, which causes 30 minutes to pass. For more information, see HINTS section 2.1. A spoilery grid of everyone's movements can be seen in HINTS section 2.7. ======================================================================== 1.4.2. TRUST ======================================================================== (Geezus figured some of this out) Here's a mechanic the game doesn't explain. You start the game with an invisible number of "Trust" points. If you lose enough Trust, you get kicked off the island. And it's impossible to regain Trust! Even though you're investigating Marie's disappearance, no one likes you snooping around. This is one of the reasons I recommend playing this in an emulator with save states. Trust will be more fully explained in HINTS section 2.2. For now, try to conduct your investigation as unobtrusively as possible. Not by hiding. Try to Search when no one else is in the room. If you open something, close it before you leave, even if no one is around. Don't Drop items like a slob; Put them away instead. If you annoy characters too much, such as by coming into their rooms at night when they're trying to sleep, they may not feel like answering your questions. ======================================================================== 1.4.3. HEALTH ======================================================================== If you don't eat or sleep to regain your Health points, you'll gradually deteriorate until you collapse, ending the game. The stages of how you feel are shown on the right side of the screen: Superb Great Not bad Worn out Beat To regain Health points: Sleeping is possible in your cabin. Eating is possible in the Saloon, during specific times. Meals are free. You also lose Health if you strike someone, or if someone knocks you unconscious. These situations should be avoided. For more details about Health, see HINTS section 2.3. ======================================================================== 1.4.4. CLUES ======================================================================== (Thanks to Geezus for figuring most of this out!) If you click on your Health status on the right side of the screen, you'll get a text box with the message: "You should have noticed [X] percentage of clues". What the game considers to be an important clue, and what *you* consider to be an important clue, may be very different things. To make the clues more difficult to figure out, the text box won't update the percentage until the start of the next hour, regardless of when you found the information. It's impossible to get 100%. In fact, if you add up all the clue points that the French Amiga guide's authors have been able to find, the total is only 95%. However, you won't be achieving that either. For some clues, the game will only give you points for noticing clue A *or* clue B - but not both. They're paired. In later sections of this guide, if I say that something "gives clue points", keep in mind that this is conditional; you might have already received the points from one of the other clues in a pair. What this means is, the maximum amount of clues you can find in any single game seems to be 75% to 78%. This hasn't been proved with certainty. Don't worry about it too much! (Full clue SPOILERS are in section 3.5.) ======================================================================== 1.5. DEATH, AND ENDING THE GAME ======================================================================== You'll notice there's no "Accuse suspect" ability, so how does this game end? To explain would be a major spoiler, so all I can say is that you have to reach a certain location, solve a puzzle, and face... a final challenge. It's possible to die over the course of the game. Sometimes you're in the wrong place at the wrong time. (Hiding never protects you.) Or you did something earlier that upset someone. Or you didn't bother to eat or sleep enough. To save you frustration: You can never reach the statue in the pond. Trying to get there will always kill you. Death HINTS are in section 2.1, and SPOILERS are in section 3.2. ======================================================================== 1.6. THE GAME SCREEN ======================================================================== I'm sure you're telling yourself, "Hey, I'm a seasoned point-and-click adventure gamer, I can figure this out." Well, maybe most of it, but this game is *weird*. There are... nuances. And the manual sucks, so here's how the interface works. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.6.1. THE FOUR AREAS ON THE RIGHT SIDE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On the right side of the screen, there are typically four sections. From top to bottom, these are: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. The people in your location right now. Click on people's names to Talk to or to Follow them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Your health status. (see: 1.4.3. HEALTH) Click on this, and the game will tell you what percentage of clues you've noticed. (see: 1.4.4. CLUES) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. The game clock and date. (see: 1.4.1. TIME) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. "Lankhor" (the name of the game devs). This part of the screen can also have: - An eye mask. This indicates that you're currently hidden. - A handkerchief. If you "Drop off" an item in a location, your knotted handkerchief is a reminder that something is here. Use "Search" on the handkerchief to explore what you've dropped. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.6.2. THE FIVE TOP MENUS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are five command menus that appear along the top of the screen when you move your mouse over them. (If they're not visible, the game will show you how much money you have, or your active inventory item.) From left to right, the menus are: Movement, Inventory, Action, Self, and File. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MOVEMENT MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A list of places you can travel to from your current location. "Choose on screen" is an option when there are several possible exits. Sometimes, a door must be Opened for its travel option to appear. Locked doors: If you have the right key anywhere in your inventory, you will automatically be able to open its locked door. The key doesn't need to be your active item. Warning: Do NOT drop the key inside the location, or you won't be able to get back in! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INVENTORY MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can carry up to six items with you. If the text is in white, this is your active item. You may be able to use it with commands in the other menus, like Put. There are two ways you can pick up things. - Search a storage space on the screen (or on the handkerchief symbol), and use "Take" when in searching mode. - From the Action menu, choose "Take", and click somewhere on the screen. There might only be a few tiny, vague pixels to indicate an item! The "Look at" action often helps with this, but not always. Sometimes you can pick up something with no indication that it's there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can right-click the mouse to repeat your last action! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLOSE: Close things that you Opened earlier. (Even if you used something other than the Open command.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EAT: Do this in the Saloon at certain times of the day to regain Health. You don't need to pay for meals. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOOK AT: Brings up a magnifying glass. Sometimes it will show things on the screen in greater detail, or provide brief messages! You can find extra items this way, and Take them. Any tiny pixels on the screen that look slightly different, may be a hint that something is there. Even if you don't see anything special in the magnifying glass, with no special message, try to Take anyway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OBSERVE: Observe what's generally happening in your location. If you're in someone's personal room while they're at home, you must be hidden in order to Observe them, hiding before they arrive. For places to Observe, see HINTS section 2.8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OPEN: If you open anything on the screen (even if you don't use the Open command), remember to close them afterwards, or you may lose Trust points later! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUSH: Only useful in a few specific spots. Sometimes adds atmosphere. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUT: This can be used in two ways. 1. "Use [active item] on a specific spot on the screen". Your active item is under your Inventory menu, in white text. This action is only possible in a few places in the game, but all of them are extremely important. 2. "Put [active item] into [storage space]". You can store items inside certain places. For example, in your cabin, you can Put things in the closet, or in the right or left half of the dresser. Use Search to get them back later. Storage spaces can hold up to five items. Some only allow you to Put back items that were there in the first place. (Partial lists of storage spaces can be found in HINTS 2.6, Locations.) Locked doors: If you have the right key anywhere in your inventory, you will automatically be able to open a locked door. The key doesn't need to be your active item. But do NOT drop the key inside the location, or you won't be able to get back in! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RAISE: Lift something up. Only useful in four specific spots(?). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ READ: Read something visible in your location. If it's not easily visible, you need to have something in your inventory to help you. If the game crashes when you try to read something, see section 1.1. To read portable items, it depends where the item is: - If the item is in your inventory, make sure it's the active item (in white), then under the "Self" menu, choose "Read". - If the item is in a storage space in your location, Search it, and in the searching interface, choose "Read". ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEARCH: One of the main ways you find items. Try to avoid doing it when other people are around. NOTE: This can be *very* pixel specific! For example, there can be a bed or a cupboard where you can search the space underneath, but you won't find anything unless you search the *left* half of the gap. Always try searching in more than one spot! If there is a handkerchief symbol in the lower-right of the screen, it means you Dropped something in this location earlier. Use the Search command on the handkerchief to see what's been Dropped. Search mode will only show items one at a time. "Continue" will show the next item, and "Stop" will exit search mode. For each item you find, a close-up appears in the lower-right corner of the screen. At this point, there is a new "Action" menu: Look at, Read, Smell, Take, and Touch. - Use "Look at" for either a brief description, or to inspect a photograph more closely. - Use "Read" to read any items that have text. - Use "Smell" to smell an item. - Use "Take" to add the item to your inventory. - Use "Touch" to feel an item, or to press buttons in the close-up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SLEEP: Do this in your cabin to regain health. It lasts an hour. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SMELL: Sometimes adds atmosphere. Not really useful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUND: Knock on something (or thump it) to hear what kind of noise it makes. Largely atmospheric; often suggests there's more to something, and most of the time there isn't. This command creates a lot of false expectations... except on the rare occasions when it's useful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TAKE: Add an item from the screen to your inventory. The only hint may be a few tiny pixels! The "Look at" action can help here, but it doesn't always reveal items you can pick up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TURN: Only useful in a couple of locations. Sometimes in more than one spot in those locations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAIT: Wait for 30 minutes to pass. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELF MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are four things in this menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DROP OFF: Drop items you're carrying. When you do this, a knotted handkerchief will appear in the lower-right corner of the screen, a reminder to yourself that something is here. You can drop up to five items in any location. Search the handkerchief to see the items again. Unfortunately, using the Drop command makes you lose Trust points. It's better to "Put" an item into a storage space. (For example, in your cabin, you can use the closet and the dresser for this.) If you're in a room and "Take" something visible from the screen - an item on the ground, on a table, on a shelf, etc. - When you "Drop off" the item, it will reappear on the screen where you found it. (This won't make you lose Trust!) But if you want to inspect it close-up, you have to carry it to another location and either Drop it or Put it somewhere. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HIDE SELF: You can only hide when no one else is around, by clicking on a valid hiding place in that locatrion. An eye mask will appear in the lower right-hand corner of the screen if you're successful. Some locations do not have places to hide. Hiding does not alter people's behavior. Its only real use is if you're in someone's personal room, and if you want to Observe them without being discovered, you have to Hide before they come in, then Wait. Hiding does not protect you from being knocked unconscious or killed. To exit Hide mode, do something in the room, such as by using a command from the Action menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ READ: If the game crashes, see section 1.1. If your active inventory item (in white) has text, you can read it this way. Photographs can only be viewed in close-up if you Drop them off in a room (or in a storage space), Search the space, and then "Look at" the item while in Search mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELF-SEARCH: See a close-up of your active inventory item (in white). But you can't interact with it. Use the Search command to interact with the item. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Save the game in one of four possible slots. Note there is no "Load game" option. You can only load a saved game at the very beginning of the game, which means you have to die, or quit and restart. Some of the fastest ways to end the game are by drowning yourself in the pond, or by repeatedly punching people. Note there is no "Quit" or "Restart" option either. This is why it's preferable to play this game in a DOS emulator with save states. Saved games are stored in the game folder with the file names SAUVEMAU.001 through SAUVEMAU.004 . ======================================================================== 1.7. TALKING ======================================================================== (More information can be found in HINTS section 2.4 and 2.10, and SPOILERS section 3.4.) To talk, click on someone's name on the right side of the screen, then choose "Talk to" from the top of the screen. If you're in someone's personal room - for example, Anita's, and she's in the room (alone, or with someone else), you will automatically be pulled into a conversation with them. When you finish, you'll automatically end up outside. If you're in Anita's personal room, and she isn't there, but someone else is (like Chris), you won't automatically have a conversation. While in conversation mode, at the top of the screen, click on "Stop" to end the conversation. "Repeat" will make them repeat what they just said. The two main menus here are Ask, and Debate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.7.1. ASK ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Your scheduling: This is like asking "Where were you at [time]?", or "What were you doing at [time]?" - What have you noticed: Anything they might have noticed at [time]. - What are you doing?: Asking them what they're doing right here, right now. This is the most inconvenient method of questioning, because you have to track people down every half-hour. I've tried to minimize its use in the rest of this guide. - Your opinion on: You start with three topics, and over the course of the game, can discover seventeen more, for a total of twenty! There's no reward for completing the topic list. - [List of suspects]: And finally, you can ask about people. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.7.2. DEBATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I didn't quite understand the "Debate" options when I first played the game. After reading the French guide for the Amiga version, I understand a little better... sort of. When someone answers a question, sometimes you can convince them to give you an additional answer. Sometimes several answers, to the same question! And the game gives no indication of what questions have more answers available! And there may be additional answers that sound like there's no more info, but if you ask again, surprise, another answer! In my opinion, most of the extra answers aren't especially useful, but I'll mention some of the better situations in HINTS section 2.10. In general (except for "Show"), here's how you can attempt to get more answers: - Contradict: Challenge someone with a reply you Memorized earlier. This is a vastly under-used mechanic. Most of the time it doesn't do anything. - Memorize: When someone replies to one of your questions, you can save their reply in one of nine slots, that you can use to Contradict later. - Remember: Play back (to yourself) what you've Memorized. - Bribe: I'm not sure how bribing works; it may have a percentage chance of success? The French Amiga guide suggests that everyone has a slightly different base amount to be bribed with. (One character can't be bribed at all.) You can find money in several places, but the supply is limited ($108 at most). See HINTS section 2.5 for money, and section 2.12 for bribing. - Give: Give someone an item they like. Works better than bribing. I recommend making a save-state before you try giving people things. (Also see HINTS section 2.11, and SPOILERS section 3.1.) If you have several items that someone likes, try getting multiple answers this way: (Ask your question) (Give item 1) (Give item 2, etc.) When in Give mode, the inventory list may temporarily become glitchy, as if you're suddenly missing items, or have two items both labelled as the same thing. It fixes itself if you exit the Give interface and go back in again. Is there an easy way to figure out if someone will appreciate a gift? Yes! Give someone an item *before* you ask any questions, and if they reply with "Thanks. That makes me happy!" then congrats! You've found an item they like! Restore your save, ask them a question, then Give them the item, and see if you get another answer. If they say "Thanks. You don't have anything else, while we're at it?", then they don't actually want the item, they're just trying to scam you into giving them more free stuff. If they say "I don't see what you're getting at," most of the time it means even if they like the item, there are no additional answers to the question you just asked. And yet, sometimes - I've had characters give *both* the above two replies, and when I've persisted, I've *finally* gotten a different answer from them. Even while writing this guide, I'm not sure I've fully understood this mechanic. The French Amiga guide has been very helpful with this. - Show: Unlike all the other Debate options, "Show" is different. It's for attempting to gain knowledge about items. Unfortunately it also makes you lose Trust each time you use it. (For useful things to Show, see HINTS section 2.9, and SPOILERS section 3.1.) - Strike: Punch someone in the face. This is a terrible idea. You need to have more Health than your target, and it makes you lose Health. On top of that, you lose a *lot* of Trust... and even more if there was a witness. You'll know you succeeded if their eyes look different. See HINTS section 2.12. Other talking mechanics: - Click on an empty space (away from the topics) to go to your earlier choices. - If you annoy someone or go into their room at a bad time, they might not answer your questions. ======================================================================== 1.8. FOLLOWING PEOPLE, AND THE MAP ======================================================================== When you click on someone's name on the right side of the screen, you're given the option to Talk to them, or to Follow them. Following people is a bit of a gamble, because no one likes it, and if you get caught, you lose Trust. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. You can't follow people outdoors from 9 pm to 6 am, when it's too dark. At the top of the Following screen, you have two options: Follow, or Give up. The mouse acts weird here. You can slide it left and right, and then you have to... kind of stubbornly nudge it upwards, to click on one of the options. This is also the only way to see a map of the island! (As well as one of the few places you can see what your character, Jerome Lange, looks like.) I highly recommended taking a screen capture of the map, or making your own map and labelling it with dots for all the locations. I won't attempt to make a fancy copy of the map here, but the eight outdoor locations are laid out sort of like this: (This is meant to be viewed in a monospaced font, like Courier.) North beach [X] Juste's [X] Well [X] Pond [X] Pier [X] Garden [X] Maguy's [X] South beach [X] ======================================================================== ======================================================================== 2. HINTS ======================================================================== ======================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. How this game works: (See its Table of contents) 2.0. General hints 2.1. Time, Events, and Death 2.2. Trust 2.3. Health 2.4. Conversation topics 2.5. Money and coins 2.6. Location hints (There's a lot here!) 2.7. Time grid: Who, where, and when 2.8. Observe: 2.8.1. More important observations 2.8.2. Less important observations 2.9. Show: 2.9.1. More interesting items to show 2.9.2. Less interesting items to show 2.10. Questions: (Also a lot here!) 2.10.1. More important questions 2.10.2. Less important questions 2.11. Give: 2.11.1. Recipients and items 2.11.2. Items and recipients 2.12. Bribing and striking 3. Spoilers: (See its Table of contents) ======================================================================== 2.0. GENERAL HINTS ======================================================================== This section of the guide is to give you nudges. Things you can vaguely do in certain locations, stuff you don't need to waste time with, that sort of thing. But there are also mild spoilers in this section. In fact, I recommend not looking at these hints yourself. Find a friend who can give individual hints to you, one at a time, based on what location you're exploring. Location HINTS are in section 2.6, and location SPOILERS are in section 3.3. Here are some general guidelines: Write notes to yourself as you play. Pick a verb: Look at, Open, Take, Turn, and so on. Click all over the screen with it, right-clicking to select the verb again. Be slow and thorough. Click on everything, even things that don't make sense. This game expects a brute-force approach to finding places on the screen you can interact with. For example, when you Search, this can be *very* specific! There can be a cabinet where you can search the space underneath, but you won't find anything unless you search the *left* half of the gap. Or if there's a cupboard with right and left doors, try searching both halves. Always search in more than one spot! Keep your eyes open for any suspicious pixels on the screen, and try the "Take" command on that spot. The "Look at" command may show extra details - but not always. Sometimes you can pick up something where "Look at" didn't reveal anything special. Push, Put, Raise, and Turn are only really useful in a few specific places each (some unexpected), but don't let that stop you from trying! Using the Sound command often creates false hopes, but not always. Ignore Smell. It's tiring to have to click everywhere, hoping for a result, but that's how the game was designed. Sometimes there will be a *very* subtle, small visible change in a location at a specific time. Sometimes an item inside a storage space may go missing. Sometimes an item may show up. Try Searching places again, later on. You don't need your revolver or your pills. Ignore chloroform and everyone's guns. Don't bother trying to find possible murder weapons. You won't need to carry a source of light. Don't strike people in the face. "Death's head" is the game's way of saying "Skull and crossbones". At the Pond, don't try to reach the statue, nor the strongbox. The strongbox seems to be a red herring; no one tells you anything useful about it. I don't know what the point of it is, except to get some clue points. Your actions have no effect on other people's behavior or events. The exceptions to this are if you do something that makes someone want to kill you later. ======================================================================== 2.1. TIME, EVENTS, AND DEATH ======================================================================== A spoilery grid of everyone's movements can be seen in HINTS section 2.7. The game begins at 10 am on Sunday, January 31, 1954. The game ends automatically at 11 pm on Monday, February 1, 1954. To win the game, you will have to complete certain tasks by an earlier time limit. You can reach the end without talking to anyone, or gathering information you learned in earlier play-throughs. But you'll need a few items. Piano music occasionally plays at Maguy's. Eating in the Saloon: 9:00-9:25 am Breakfast (lasts a half-hour) 1:00-1:55 pm Lunch (lasts an hour) 8:00-8:55 pm Dinner (lasts an hour) Water levels (both AM and PM): 8:00-12:55 High tide (5 hours) 1:00-3:55 Water lowering (3 hours) 4:00-4:55 Low tide (1 hour) 5:00-7:55 Water rising (3 hours) There are four locations where you will be knocked unconscious if you are there at the top of the hour. (Arriving five minutes later is safe.) There are two locations where you will be knocked unconscious if you are there at any time during a specific half-hour period. There are three locations where you will be murdered if you are there at any time during a specific half-hour period. If you find yourself being murdered regardless of where you are, it's because you did something earlier in the game that upset someone. Depending on circumstances, you may be able to undo what you did. Or not, and you're doomed. Changes in light: 6 am - Dawn 8 am - Daylight 6 pm - Dusk 8 pm - Night Universal event messages (mostly, depending where you are): Day 2, 7:00 am. Day 2, 10:30 am. Day 2, 7:30 pm. ======================================================================== 2.2. TRUST ======================================================================== (Geezus figured some of this out!) You start the game with 50 "Trust" points. These points are invisible; nothing in the game will tell you how many points you have left. It's impossible to regain Trust, and a lot of your detective work annoys everyone. So don't be surprised if you get kicked off the island when your Trust points reach zero. Below are some ways to lose Trust points. I'm not sure about all the mechanics; there may be additional factors. The French Amiga guide was not entirely correct about Trust - or the PC version does things differently. (-1) Search the screen (or handkerchief) in front of a witness. (-1) Visit someone at home, or be there when they return. (-1) Drop off an item, anywhere. Use the Put command to avoid this. (More specifically, the dropped item must appear in the handkerchief for the trust to be lost. Items that visibly reappear on the screen, from where you had taken them, don't seem to lose trust.) (-1) Take anyone's money. (With a few exceptions.) (-1) Bribing someone more than once - even if you cancel it. (-2) Show someone an object - even if you cancel it. (-2) Get caught following someone. (-3) Get caught rummaging when someone comes home to their room. (-10) Strike someone when they're alone. (-40) Strike someone in front of a witness. (-2) For each thing left open. This takes some explaining: Let's say you're in a location, and you open something. Not necessarily with the "Open" command; maybe you did it by Turning, Raising or Pushing something. It could be a door, a window, a container, anything that makes the screen look different. You leave it open, and go someplace else. If anyone else enters that room afterwards (or was in the room when you did it) - then the NEXT time you re-enter that location, you lose 2 Trust points for every thing you left open! So always close things! It doesn't matter if the people are still there or not. Opening things while people are in the same room is ok, as long as you close them before you leave. I think your cabin may be the only safe place to leave things open, because no one else ever goes there. Good news, it looks like you can Take items from inside containers, and no one cares. Just don't Search those places when people are around, and remember to Close them when you're done. ======================================================================== 2.3. HEALTH ======================================================================== You start the game with 79 Health points. Your Health status on the right side of the screen indicates the general amount you have left: 80-99 Superb 60-79 Great 40-59 Not bad 20-39 Worn out 00-19 Beat If your Health drops below zero, you die. To regain Health, Sleep in your cabin or Eat in the Saloon: (+6) Sleep (lasts an hour). (+7) Breakfast. (+14) Lunch or Dinner - These are your best options! Meals are free! You can Eat in the Saloon during these hours: 9:00-9:25 am Breakfast (lasts a half-hour) 1:00-1:55 pm Lunch (lasts an hour) 8:00-8:55 pm Dinner (lasts an hour) Things that make you lose Health: (-1) 30 minutes of time pass. (-1 or -2) Travel between more distant locations. (-10) When you Strike someone. And if you're knocked unconscious, subtract your Health by 25 percent, rounding up the result. ======================================================================== 2.4. CONVERSATION TOPICS ======================================================================== (Also see SPOILERS section 3.4.) SUSPECTS: There is one person who isn't on your list of suspects at the start of the game! To add their name, first you'll need to discover a "Your opinion" topic. Then ask someone who knows about it. (Or you can show people a specific item.) OPINION TOPICS: There are 20 opinion topics in total. You start with three, and two more will probably appear automatically over the course of the game. There's no reward for finding them all. Elsewhere in these hints, I occasionally refer to things like "Topic 5", to avoid spoilers. That's why I've numbered them, based on their position on the game screen. The [brackets] below are acronyms, so when you figure out a new topic, you'll know what number to assign to it. Here are hints on some of the ways to activate them: 1. [me] (Automatic at the start of the game.) 2. [m] (Automatic at the start of the game.) 3. [mh] (Automatic at the start of the game.) 4. [jm] Three people noticed something at the time that a body was found. 5. [ld] Two people know something about another topic in this list. 6. [tsatp] Look at something that is only occasionally visible. 7. [tc] Enter a secret location. The key is well-hidden near the entrance. 8. [ts] Ask one of the two direct witnesses to an event, what their schedule was at the time. 9. [map] Read a specific book. The game gives no indication that you can Take it on the screen. 10. [dt] Something is hidden in the Garden. 11. [tbotsb] Something happens in the early evening of day 2. 12. [tmp] Manipulate something in the Saloon. 13. [rbm] Three people mention this if you ask about someone else. 14. [rbs] Two people have an opinion about someone else. 15. [tlib] Read something you can find on the ship you arrived on. 16. [mb] Look at something in one of the rooms at Maguy's, after something happens there. 17. [jd] Something happens in the morning of day 2. 18. [ts] In the morning of day 2, Look at something that is only visible for a short time. 19. [ws] Read something from one of the rooms at Maguy's. 20. [tlr] Try to open something you can't open yet. ======================================================================== 2.5. MONEY AND COINS ======================================================================== Money can be found in these locations, for a maximum of $108. Mild spoilers! Taking any money (except the ones marked with *) makes you lose 1 point of Trust each - even your own money! $35 Your cabin (Open, Search) $ 3 Anton's cabin (Open, Search) $10 Roy's cabin (well-hidden) $ 5 Anita's room (Open, Search) $10 Maguy's room (well-hidden) * $ 3 Garden (Look at, Take) * $ 2 Juste's room (Look at, Take) $40 South Beach (Search) For the money at the South Beach, can you figure out when, who, and why? The amount you're carrying is shown at the top of the screen, but glitches once it's over $99, dropping the middle digit, so "11" could mean $101 or $11. One-cent coins can be found at these locations, with no change in your Trust points: Anton's cabin (Look at, Take) Roy's cabin (Open, Search) In front of Maguy's (Look at, Take) In front of Juste's (Look at, Take) Marie's room (well-hidden) Well (Look at, Take) You can also find some old doubloons, but they aren't useful. ======================================================================== 2.6. LOCATION HINTS ======================================================================== Not all locations are mentioned here! (See SPOILERS section 3.3.) These hints point out details that you might not have discovered on your own. "Some items of note" might not even mention really important things! "Storage spaces" refers to where you can use the Put commend. There may be other places in the room where you can find things! Some storage places only allow you to Put back items that were there in the first place. Hidden spots are not being included here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ YOUR CABIN (on the Brisban) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You start the game in this room. (From the Brisban's Corridor, this is the near door on the left side.) If the game crashes when you try to read something (see section 1.1), you can bring the items here to read them safely. You can Sleep in here to regain health (see sections 1.4.3 or 2.4). Nothing happens in your cabin; none of the other characters ever come in here. (Unless someone wants to kill you.) You can Search both the left and the right half of your dresser. Hiding places: - None. Storage spaces: - The closet. - The left half of the dresser. - The right half of the dresser. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CORRIDOR (on the Brisban) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nothing happens here. Anton occasionally wanders in. Exits: - Left side, near door: Your cabin. - Left side, far door: Anton's cabin. - Right side, far door: Bob's cabin. - Trap door: The hold. Hiding places: - None. Storage spaces: - None. Some items of note: - There's a spot on the floor at the end of the right handrail, just below the fancy seat. If you Search there, you'll find something. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOLD (on the Brisban) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nothing happens here. Anton comes in to work occasionally. Don't bother with this room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANTON'S CABIN (on the Brisban) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (From the Brisban's Corridor, this is the far door on the left side.) Hiding places: - Under the desk. Storage spaces: - The cloth sack. - The drawer. - The cabinet. - The long shelf on the back wall, above the bed. Other: - There's a spot that you can Look at and Take something. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOB'S CABIN (on the Brisban) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (From the Brisban's Corridor, this is the far door on the right side.) Hiding places: - Under the desk. Storage spaces: - The trunk. - The drawer. - The cabinet. - The long shelf on the back wall, above the bed. Some items of note: - You can find two letters by Searching. - There's a third letter! Use Look at; it's a very small detail on the screen. When you find the right spot, you can Take it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PIER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On the right is the Brisban, the yacht you arrived on. On the left is the Bamboo, a fishing boat. Exits: - Dark gap on the right edge: Corridor (Brisban). - Far door on the right: Hold (Brisban). - Far door on the left: Hold (Bamboo). - Upper door on the left: Bruce's cabin. - Lower left door (Bamboo): Chris' cabin. - Lower right door (Bamboo): Roy's cabin. Hiding places: - The dark gap on the right edge. (Not useful.) Storage spaces: - None. Other: - Try using the "Observe" command here occasionally. - On day 2, something will be fished out of the water here. - On day 2, a small item will appear on the screen (Look at, Take). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOLD (on the Bamboo) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (From the Pier, on the left boat, this is the far door at the back.) Hiding places: - None. Storage spaces: - None. Some items of note: - There is a clue on the floor you can Look at and Take. Other: - You can Open something. - There is something else here you can Look at, for some clue points. Unfortunately the game is very pixel-specific about it. If you see the message "Pandora's box?", then you're close. Try clicking to the left and slightly above the interesting spot, and you'll hopefully see a different message that will echo your discovery. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BRUCE'S CABIN (on the Bamboo) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (From the Pier, on the left boat, this is the upper-level door.) Hiding places: - Under the desk. Storage spaces: - Inside the desk. Some items of note: - There is something you can read here. - There is something on the screen you can Look at and Take. - There is an item here that, if you have it in your inventory, allows you to do something in another location. Other: - Searching this room will give you a good impression of Bruce's weaknesses. He has several. Don't forget that you can search under things! - Two items here smell the same, but actually belong to different people. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHRIS' CABIN (on the Bamboo) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (From the Pier, on the left boat, on the lower level, this is the door on the left side.) Hiding places: - Under the desk, along the left edge of the screen. Storage spaces: - Inside the cabinet. - The two boxes on the shelves on the left wall. Some items of note: - There are 3 things you can Open, containing some very interesting stuff. - There is something on the screen you can Look at and Take. Show it to Chris. Other: - An extra item shows up here on day 2. To be honest, I don't understand its significance. - In the photo, there's an important detail. In the original French version of this game, something you can read in this room was written in English. French gamers would have been required to translate it. The language difference suggests that Chris is an outsider. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROY'S CABIN (on the Bamboo) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (From the Pier, on the left boat, on the lower level, this is the door on the right side.) Hiding places: - Under the desk. Storage spaces: - The drawer. - Inside the left cabinet. - Two cloth sacks. - The box above the sacks. Some items of note: - In the morning of day 2, four things change here, though not all at the same time: (1) An item directly appears on the screen. (2) An item appears that you can find with "Look at". (3) An item appears inside a secret place. (4) An item disappears. Item (4) - Can you figure out why it disappears? Item (2) can be Taken at any point during the entire game, but for some strange reason, it doesn't visibly appear until day 2. Other: - Look around carefully! - There are 5 things you can Open here. - There are 2 unexpected things you can Turn here. One of them is *very* pixel specific. Use Look at for details! - Something you might do here can lead to your death later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IN FRONT OF MAGUY'S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exits: (Doors from left to right, upper floor) - Locked room. (Try to go there anyway.) - Sue's room. - Marie's room. - Anita's room. (Doors from left to right, lower floor) - Saloon. - Maguy's room. Hiding places: - The background trees on the left or right. (Not useful.) Storage spaces: - None. Some items of note: - There are two things you can Look at and Take on the ground. Other: - The key to the locked room is hidden in another part of the building. Attempt to go into the room anyway. - Observing something here on the night of day 1 gives clue points. - You can find something by Searching here, and can figure out who it belonged to, but it's not important. - One of the items you can Take here, was originally stolen from someone, then abandoned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOCKED ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (When you're in front of Maguy's, this is the left-most door on the second floor.) Try to open the door. You can't (at first), but by trying to open it, you can ask someone about it later. The key is hidden in another part of the building. You only need one key to get in, despite someone mentioning that it's "double-locked". Hiding places: - Behind the window curtains, or under the bed. Storage spaces: - The drawer. - The two wardrobes. Some items of note: - Something visibly appears here during the afternoon of day 1. Other: - Look at the right spot, to find a small but important clue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUE'S ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (When you're in front of Maguy's, this is the second door from the left, on the second floor.) Hiding places: - Behind the screen in the corner, or under the bed. Storage spaces: - The left and the right halves of the dresser. Other: - There's a spot that you can Look at and Take something. - You can Search a place on the shelves. - You can open both halves of the dresser, but Searching only works in one half of it. - Try interacting with the teddy bear! - There's a reflection of your character if you Look at the mirror. There's not much you can do in here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MARIE'S ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The scene of the disappearance! (When you're in front of Maguy's, this is the second door from the right, on the second floor.) Hiding places: - Under the bed. (Not useful.) Storage spaces: - All four drawers in the room. Other: - What do you know about Marie's habits before going to sleep? - Something happens here in the early evening of day 1, and something goes missing. Can you figure out where it shows up later? - How did broken glass get in the aquarium? - Not including the door, there are five things you can use the Open command on in here. - There are nine places on the screen you can Search, but two of them are hidden. - There are two places on the screen where you can Look at and Take something. - One item in this room belongs to someone else. - You can Turn something here. - You can Raise something here. - After something happens in here, you can Take something from a specific spot. There's no indication that this is possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANITA'S ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (When you're in front of Maguy's, this is the right-most door on the second floor.) Hiding places: - Under the bed. Storage spaces: - The left and the right halves of the dresser. Other: - There are two places on the screen where you can Look at and Take something. - You can Search both halves of the dresser, and under it. - There is another place you can Search, where something shows up on day 1 in the early evening. - The key doesn't unlock anything. Ignore it. It's assumed that this is the key to Anita's room, except she never bothers to lock her door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SALOON ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (When you're in front of Maguy's, this is the left door on the first floor. You can also reach it from other rooms in the building.) You can Eat in here to recover Health, at certain times of the day. You don't have to pay for meals. 9:00-9:25 am Breakfast (lasts a half-hour) 1:00-1:55 pm Lunch (lasts an hour) 8:00-8:55 pm Dinner (lasts an hour) Hiding places: - Behind the potted plant. (Not useful.) Storage spaces: - None. Some items of note: - You can Take a large, visible item in this room. It's useful. It's camouflaged against the background. SPOILERY HINTS FOR THIS LOCATION - READ WITH CAUTION, OR GET A FRIEND TO READ ONE TO YOU! (In increasing order of spoileryness) - This room has a puzzle that benefits from both careful observation and experimentation. - Although part of the piano Reads "Deposit 5 cents", you can Put in 1-cent coins. (See HINTS section 2.5 for coin locations.) - Something in this room can be Opened. - Something in this room can be Turned. - Who does the piano belong to? - What tiny, visible changes happen in here at four different times during the game? (Not the changes in light.) - The cigarette butt that appears here was not dropped by a smoker. What's another possible origin? - Look at the piano to find a small detail. Somewhere else in this building is a portable item with the same "Look at" detail. This is important. - You can Put something on the piano, in a very specific spot. (Other than coins.) - Something that can be Opened here, can be Opened further, with the use of an unusual key. The key is not in here, but not far away, and belongs to the same person. - Something will appear here, in a secret place, and will later go missing. Where does it end up? - At what times does music play? (One of these is significant, both the timing and the song choice.) - Certain actions you can do in here on day 1 can result in your death later. - On day 2, if you follow a precise series of actions in here, you can make something appear, in a secret place. - What month of the year is it? What week of the year is it? (For SPOILERS, see the Saloon in section 3.3, and section 3.6, The Piano Puzzle.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ KITCHEN-BAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (This location is behind the Saloon. You can also reach it from other rooms in the building.) If you're playing this game with a copy that crashes whenever you try to Read something (see section 1.1), there are two things on the wall in here that you won't be able to Read. Here's what they say! ----- RULES OF THE HOUSE Breakfast from 9:00 to 9:30 Lunch from 1 to 2 pm. Dinner from 8 to 9 pm. Smoking is forbidden in the rooms Drinks must be paid for at the bar. The owner ----- The second thing on the wall is a calendar. It's more of a picture than plain text, so I'll have to describe it. It's a French calendar, so the weekends are shown on the right side. The week begins on Monday, not Sunday: JANUARY 1954 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4 Underneath, there are smaller listings of the two surrounding months (December 1953 and February 1954). However - someone has scribbled notes on the calendar. January 31 and February 1 have both been circled. And immediately to the right of the Sunday column, someone has written numbers (shown above). "1" next to the 10th, "2" next to the 17th, "3" next to the 24th, and "4" next to the 31st. ----- Hiding places: - The upper half of the curtain. (Not useful.) Storage spaces: - The two upper cupboards. - Inside the oven, weirdly. Some items of note: - There is a visible item on the screen you can Look at and Take. SPOILER BELOW: Other: - There is an item here that is extremely important, that can be used unexpectedly in a nearby location, in a way that makes no logical sense. Who does the item in here belong to? What else in this building belongs to the same person? What trait do they share when you Look at them closely? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAGUY'S ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (When you're in front of Maguy's, this is the right door on the first floor.) Hiding places: - Behind the curtain on the right, or under the bed. Storage spaces: - All four drawers in the room. Some items of note: - There is an item on the screen you can Look at and Take. Unusually, you can Search the same spot and find something else, but it only seems to work if you haven't Taken the other item yet. Other: - You can Push something here. - You can Turn something here. - You can Raise something here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GARDEN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hiding places: - Behind the back wall. (Not useful.) Storage spaces: - None. Other: - You can Turn the water tap, but it doesn't do anything. - You can Raise something here. - There's a hidden puzzle here... that can't be solved. The reasons are explained in SPOILER section 3.6. Trust me, don't waste your time trying to figure this out. On the positive side, finding this will add a Topic to your list of questions! You may find a similar puzzle elsewhere, and that one *is* possible (but tricky) to figure out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IN FRONT OF JUSTE'S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hiding places: - In the trees, or behind the netting. (Not useful.) Storage spaces: - None. Other: - There's a spot that you can Look at and Take something. - Juste's home will be locked at these times, even if the door appears to be open: Day 1, 6:30-7:25 pm. Day 1, 9:30 pm and onwards. - It's possible to get inside Juste's home on Day 2, if you can find the key. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ JUSTE'S ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Juste's home will be locked at these times: Day 1, 6:30-7:25 pm. Day 1, 9:30 pm and onwards. It's possible to get inside on Day 2, if you can find the key. Hiding places: - Under the bed. Storage spaces: - The right and left halves of the cabinet. Some items of note: - An item appears here (inside something), later on day 1. When and where did Juste find it? Who does it belong to? - A second item appears here (visibly), in the early morning of day 2. Who does it belong to? Other: - You can search under the cabinet, but only towards the left side. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NORTH BEACH ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hiding places: - In the shade of the tall rock on the left. (Not useful.) Storage spaces: - None. Some items of note: - There are two items you can Look at and Take. Other: - You can Search a small rock out in the water. - Something happens here on day 1. What happened? Who else witnessed it? - Something appears here early on day 2, if you can find it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUTH BEACH ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hiding places: - On the very right edge of the trees on the game screen. (Not useful.) Storage spaces: - Inside something. Some items of note: - There are two items you can Look at and Take. Other: - Early on day 1, something shows up here in a hidden place. - Something happens here in the late morning of day 2. - Something appears here late on day 2. - Who keeps coming back here a lot? Why? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ POND ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Water levels (both AM and PM): 8:00-12:55 High tide (5 hours) 1:00-3:55 Water lowering (3 hours) 4:00-4:55 Low tide (1 hour) 5:00-7:55 Water rising (3 hours) Hiding places: - Behind the large rock on the top right. (Not useful.) Storage spaces: - None. Other: - You can't reach the statue. It always results in death. - If you have the right item in your inventory, you can get some more information here at the right time. - You can't interact with the strongbox. Don't waste your time with it, it seems to be a red herring. No one tells you anything useful about it; I don't know what the point of it is. However, there are some clue points associated with it. A curious detail: In the French version of the game, the box is described as "etanche" (waterproof), but for some reason this didn't get translated into the English version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WELL ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hiding places: - To the right of the well. (Not useful.) Storage spaces: - Inside something. Other: - There's a spot that you can Look at and Take something. - You can Raise something here. - There are two places where you can Put specific items on the screen. (Not into the storage space.) ======================================================================== 2.7. TIME GRID: WHO, WHERE, AND WHEN ======================================================================== CONTAINS SPOILERS There's a lot of information to squeeze in here, so here are some abbreviations: [Name] - The person is in [Name]'s personal room or cabin. hold - The person is in the hold of one of the two boats. corr - Corridor of the Brisban. fr.M - In front of Maguy's. lcked - Locked room at Maguy's. salon - Saloon. bar - Kitchen-bar. grden - Garden. fr.J - In front of Juste's. n.bch - North beach. s.bch - South beach. ??? - Locations to figure out! * - Avoid being somewhere at the top of the hour. (5 minutes later is ok.) Time(d1) ANITA ANTON BOB BRUCE CHRIS JUSTE MAGUY ROY SUE 10:00a Anita Anton Bob pier Chris n.bch Maguy Roy Sue 10:30 fr.M Anton Bob pier Chris n.bch salon Roy fr.M 11:00 bar Anton pond s.bch Chris n.bch bar pier salon 11:30a bar pier fr.M s.bch Chris n.bch Maguy pier bar 12:00p Anita pier pier pier pier salon Maguy pier Sue 12:30 Anita hold pier hold pier bar Maguy hold Sue 1:00 salon pier fr.J fr.M fr.M salon bar salon salon 1:30 salon pier well salon Anita salon salon salon salon 2:00 * fr.M pier pond pier lcked fr.J fr.M Sue Sue 2:30 s.bch hold fr.M Bruce lcked Juste s.bch Sue Sue 3:00 s.bch corr salon Bruce well pond salon Marie Sue 3:30 s.bch hold Maguy pier Juste grden Maguy fr.M s.bch 4:00 fr.M corr fr.M fr.M fr.J grden bar hold s.bch 4:30 grden pier Marie Maguy pier grden Maguy hold fr.M 5:00 Anita pier salon Maguy pier fr.J Maguy pond Anita 5:30p Anita corr salon salon hold n.bch Maguy salon Anita Time(d1) ANITA ANTON BOB BRUCE CHRIS JUSTE MAGUY ROY SUE 6:00p Anita hold Anita s.bch fr.M n.bch salon n.bch n.bch 6:30 Anita hold Anita s.bch Sue Juste salon ??? Sue 7:00 bar hold pond pier Sue Juste bar bar Sue 7:30 salon pier Bob pier fr.M bar bar bar Sue 8:00 salon pier fr.M pier salon salon salon pier salon 8:30 salon pier pier s.bch pier salon salon pier salon 9:00 bar corr pier hold Chris fr.J Maguy hold bar 9:30 salon hold pier pier Chris Juste salon bar salon 10:00 Anita Anton Bob fr.M Chris Juste salon bar bar 10:30 Anita Anton Bob Maguy Chris Juste Maguy bar salon 11:00 * Anita Anton Bob fr.M Chris Juste Maguy ??? Sue 11:30p Anita Anton Bob Bruce Chris Juste bar fr.M Sue Time(d2) ANITA ANTON BOB BRUCE CHRIS JUSTE MAGUY ROY SUE 12:00a * pond Anton fr.M fr.M Chris Juste Maguy Roy Sue 12:30 well Anton Anita s.bch Chris Juste Maguy Roy Sue 1:00 well Anton fr.M Bruce Chris Juste Maguy Roy Sue 1:30 fr.J Anton Bob Bruce Chris --- Maguy ??? Sue 2:00 * pond fr.M Bob Bruce fr.M --- Maguy ??? Sue 2:30 Anita Sue Bob Bruce salon --- Maguy Roy Sue 3:00 Anita Sue Bob Bruce bar --- Maguy Roy Sue 3:30 Anita Sue Bob Bruce salon --- Maguy Roy Sue 4:00 Anita fr.M Bob pier pier --- Maguy Roy Sue 4:30 Anita grden Bob s.bch Chris --- Maguy Roy Sue 5:00 Anita pond Bob Bruce Chris --- Maguy Roy Sue 5:30 Anita pier pier pier Chris --- Maguy pier Sue 6:00 Anita pier pond s.bch Chris --- Maguy pier Sue 6:30 Anita Anton pier pier Chris --- Maguy Roy Sue 7:00 Anita pier Bob pier pier --- Maguy ??? Sue 7:30a bar bar pier pier pier --- bar pier bar Time(d2) ANITA ANTON BOB BRUCE CHRIS MAGUY ROY SUE 8:00a pond bar pier s.bch pier --- bar Roy bar 8:30 well pier bar Roy fr.J --- bar Roy bar 9:00 salon pier fr.M pier hold --- salon Roy Sue 9:30 Anita pier Anita fr.M hold --- salon pier Sue 10:00 salon pier fr.M bar s.bch --- Maguy s.bch Sue 10:30 salon salon salon salon s.bch --- salon s.bch salon 11:00 fr.M fr.M fr.M fr.M s.bch --- fr.M fr.M fr.M 11:30a grden pier bar bar grden --- grden pier bar 12:00p grden well pond bar pond --- grden pier bar 12:30 grden pond pond bar Juste --- grden pier salon 1:00 bar bar pier bar fr.J --- bar fr.J salon 1:30 salon salon pier bar pier --- salon n.bch fr.M 2:00 fr.M grden pond fr.M pier --- bar fr.J s.bch 2:30 s.bch grden fr.J Bruce pier --- bar well s.bch 3:00 s.bch pier pond pier pier --- s.bch pier s.bch 3:30p s.bch pier pond s.bch pier --- s.bch pier s.bch Time(d2) ANITA ANTON BOB BRUCE CHRIS MAGUY ROY SUE 4:00p s.bch pier grden well grden --- s.bch grden s.bch 4:30 s.bch pier fr.M fr.J grden --- s.bch grden s.bch 5:00 fr.M fr.M pier pond pier --- fr.M pier fr.M 5:30 Anita Anita pier grden pier --- bar pier grden 6:00 Anita Anita pier fr.M pier --- bar pier grden 6:30 Anita Anita pond s.bch pier --- bar pier grden 7:00 bar fr.M pier fr.M pier --- salon pier bar 7:30 bar salon salon bar pier --- salon pier bar 8:00 bar pier s.bch fr.M pier --- grden pier grden 8:30 bar pier s.bch s.bch pier --- grden pier grden 9:00 salon corr pier s.bch fr.M --- Maguy pier salon 9:30 Anita hold pier s.bch Anita --- Maguy Roy bar 10:00 salon hold pier pier fr.M --- Maguy Roy salon 10:30p salon pier pier pier Chris --- Maguy Roy salon ======================================================================== 2.8. OBSERVE ======================================================================== (Thanks to Hoagie for this part!) For the Observe command, here are two lists: First, times and places where relevant story things happen. Some of them are small things, more about the characters than about the greater mystery. Some of them are little pieces of a larger pattern, for you to work out. You'll need to Hide in some places. The second list covers less important events. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.8.1. MORE IMPORTANT OBSERVATIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 1: 11:30 am, South beach. 1:30 pm, Well. 2:30 pm, Locked room. 4:00 pm, In front of Juste's. 4:30 pm, Maguy's room. [Enter between 4:00-4:25] 5:30 pm, Saloon. 6:00 pm, South beach. 6:00 pm, North beach. 6:00 pm, Anita's room. [Enter before 5:00] 6:30 pm, Anita's room. [Enter before 5:00] 6:30 pm, Sue's room. [Enter before 6:30] 7:00 pm, Sue's room. [Enter before 6:30] 7:00 pm, Juste's room. [Enter before 6:30] 8:30 pm, Pier. 11:30 pm, In front of Maguy's. [Gives clue points] Day 2: 12:30 am, Well. 12:30 am, Anita's room. 2:30 am, Sue's room. [Enter before day 1 at 11:00 pm] 2:30 am, Saloon. 5:30 am, Pier. [Unlocks Topic 18] [Gives clue points] 7:00 am, Pier. [Unlocks Topic 17] 10:00 am, South beach. 10:30 am, South beach. 11:00 am, South beach. 11:00 am, In front of Maguy's. 1:00 pm, In front of Juste's. 2:30 pm, South beach. 3:00 pm, South beach. 4:30 pm, Garden. 6:30 pm, South beach. [Unlocks Topic 11] 7:30 pm, Kitchen-bar. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.8.2. LESS IMPORTANT OBSERVATIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 1: 10:30 am, Pier. 12:00 pm, Pier. 12:30 pm, Bamboo hold. 1:30 pm, Anita's room. 2:00 pm, Sue's room. [Enter before 2:00] 2:30 pm, Bruce's room. [Enter before 2:30] 3:30 pm, Maguy's room. [Enter between 2:30-3:25] 3:30 pm, Juste's room. 4:00 pm, Kitchen-bar. 4:30 pm, Marie's room. 5:00 pm, Anita's room. [Enter before 5:00] 5:00 pm, Maguy's room. [Enter between 4:00-4:25] 7:00 pm, Pond. 9:30 pm, Saloon. 10:00 pm, Kitchen-bar. Day 2: 4:30 am, South beach. 5:00 am, Pond. [Unlocks Topic 18] 6:00 am, Pond. 7:30 am, Kitchen-bar. 8:00 am, Pond. 9:00 am, Bamboo hold. 9:00 am, Saloon. 9:30 am, Anita's room. [Enter before 9:30] 12:00 pm, Garden. 12:00 pm, Pond. 12:30 pm, Pond. 12:30 pm, Juste's room. 2:30 pm, In front of Juste's. 4:00 pm, Garden. 4:00 pm South beach. 4:30 pm, Pond. 7:00 pm, Kitchen-bar. 7:00 pm, In front of Maguy's. 8:00 pm, South beach. 8:00 pm, Kitchen-bar. 8:30 pm, Garden. ======================================================================== 2.9. SHOW ======================================================================== SOME SPOILERS AHEAD Try to explore the game's locations as much as you can before consulting this section. Showing items to people makes you lose Trust, but can be informative. In the lists below, names separated by a comma give identical responses. Names separated by a semi-colon give a different response. Some of the responses can be achieved in different ways; this is a partial selection. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.9.1. MORE INTERESTING ITEMS TO SHOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Letter (any from Bob's cabin) - Maguy ; Anita, Sue ; - Anton [or ask Anton about Topic 15] Bullet (Bamboo Hold) - Anita, Bob, Bruce Pills (Chris' cabin) - Chris Photo (Chris' cabin) - Anita, Anton, Maguy ; Bob, Bruce Transmitter (Chris' cabin) - Bob, Roy Opium pipe (Bruce's cabin) - Bruce Handkerchief (Bruce's cabin) - Anita, Bob, Sue Watch (Roy's cabin) - [Before doing this, ask Roy's opinion on Topic 5. Then Show the watch to Anita, or it won't make sense.] - [or ask Bruce about Topic 5, which gives the same answer.] Bracelet (Roy's cabin) - Anton, Maguy [Two items that appear in Roy's cabin on day 2] - Roy Key (Pier) - Anita, Maguy Letter (Marie's room) [Several responses to this!] - Maguy ; Chris ; - Bruce [or ask Bruce or Maguy about Relationship Bob-Marie] ; - [Other people say similar things in different ways:] - Juste ; Anita ; Anton, Roy [or ask Juste or Anita about Relationship Bob-Marie] [or ask Anton or Roy about Marie] Sheet of paper (Marie's room) - Bob ; Maguy, Sue Key (Maguy's room) - Maguy, Sue (depends on the key) Ashtray (Kitchen-bar) - Maguy, Sue Letter (Anita's room) - Anita Photo (Juste's room) - Anita, Anton, Bob, Bruce, Maguy, Roy, Sue Wig (Juste's room) - Juste (timing is tricky) ; Anita, Maguy [Item that appears at the North beach] - Sue ; Anton, Maguy ; Bob Found in several locations: Cent - (can show to anyone) [or ask Bob about Topic 12] Cigarette butt - Anton, Roy ; Anita Diamond - Bruce, Chris ; Roy (two responses, depends on context) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.9.2. LESS INTERESTING ITEMS TO SHOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Letter (Maguy's room) - Roy [or ask Roy about Bruce] Bracelet (Marie's room) - Anita Bra (Bruce's cabin) - Maguy Amulet (In front of Maguy's) - Anita, Anton, Bob, Maguy, Roy, Sue Found in several locations: Doubloons - Anita, Maguy [a Dagger often gets the same answer] Fetish - Sue ; Bruce [or ask Bruce about The statue at the pond] Lucky-Strikes - Maguy, Sue Mask - Anita, Anton Pills - Bruce, Roy (two responses, depends on the pills) ======================================================================== 2.10. QUESTIONS ======================================================================== (Also see SPOILERS section 3.4.) With so many different possible questions to ask, here are two lists to narrow it down: More important questions, and Less important questions. This division is rather subjective, but should help with the main plot points, even if some of them repeat or aren't all mystery-critical. You'll learn things about the characters, and some questions fit into a larger pattern. As mentioned earlier (in section 1.7.2), it's sometimes possible to get additional answers... even several times, for the same original question! There are a couple of possible ways to do this. Striking someone is your worst option. Bribing is prone to failure. In a few cases, you can Memorize an earlier answer, then use it to Contradict what you're being told. But by far, the easiest way is to Give people items they like. Section 2.11 will help with this. In the lists below, if you see "Give +2", it means you can hear two additional answers by Giving two items. It works like this: (Ask your question) (Give item 1) (Give item 2) If the Give number is very high and you don't have enough items, try Bribing instead (see sections 2.5 and 2.12). In the list below, where it says [Remember this!], don't use the game's Memorize action. Write down what they said. It may sound like an unimportant reply, but it's actually useful. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.10.1. MORE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Anita: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Doing, day 1, 6:00 pm. [Anita's room, Enter before 5:00] Schedule, day 1, 6 pm. Contradict her answer by Memorizing: Chris, noticed, day 1, 6 pm or Give +1 (same answer) Schedule, day 2, 12 am. then Give +1 (or Show the Letter from Anita's room) Noticed, day 2, 1 am. [Remember this!] Doing, day 2, 10:30 am. [Saloon] Noticed, day 2, 11 am. Noticed, day 2, 7 pm. Topic 1. Marie's enemies. [Give +4] [can Memorize 1st answer] Topic 3. Marie's habits. Topic 4. Topic 7. [Give +2] [can Memorize 1st answer] Topic 10. [Give +2] [can Memorize 1st answer] Topic 12. Topic 13. Relationship Bob-Marie. Chris. Bob. [Unlocks Topic 14, Relationship Bob-Sue] Marie. [Extra suspect]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Anton: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Noticed, day 1, 7 pm. Schedule, day 2, 3 am. [Give +1] Noticed, day 2, 5 am. [Unlocks Topic 18] Doing, day 2, 7 am. [Pier] Noticed, day 2, 7 am. [Unlocks Topic 4] [Unlocks Topic 17] Schedule, day 2, 11 am. Noticed, day 2, 11 am. Noticed, day 2, 7 pm. Noticed, day 2, 8 pm. Doing, day 2, 9 pm. [Brisban - Corridor] Noticed, day 2, 9 pm [Ask after 10, but before 11 pm] Topic 1. Marie's enemies. Topic 17. [Unlocks Topic 4] Bob. [Unlocks Topic 13, Relationship Bob-Marie] Roy. Chris. Marie. [Extra suspect]. [Remember this!] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Noticed, the 30th. Contradict his answer by Memorizing: Sue, noticed, the 30th or Give +1 (same answer) Schedule, day 1, 4 pm. Schedule, day 1, 6 pm. Contradict his answer by Memorizing: Chris, noticed, day 1, 6 pm or Give +1 (same answer) Schedule, day 2, 12 am. Contradict his answer by Memorizing: Bruce, noticed, day 2, 12 am or Give +1 (same answer) Noticed, day 2, 2 am. Doing, day 2, 11:00 am. [In front of Maguy's] [Unlocks Topic 8] Noticed, day 2, 11 am. Schedule, day 2, 8 pm. Topic 1. Marie's enemies. Contradict his answer by Memorizing: Anita, opinion, Marie's enemies or Give +1 (same answer) Topic 3. Marie's habits. Topic 10. [Give +2], or: Contradict his answer by Memorizing: Anita, opinion, Topic 10 then Give +1. Topic 11. Topic 15. Maguy. [Give +5] Anita. [Give +1] Marie. [Extra suspect]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bruce: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Noticed, day 1, 10 am. [can Memorize] Noticed, day 2, 12 am. [can Memorize] Schedule, day 2, 4 am. [Gives clue points] Schedule, day 2, 6 pm. [Unlocks Topic 11] Noticed, day 2, 7 pm. [Unlocks Topic 11] Noticed, day 2, 9 pm. [Ask after 10, but before 11 pm] Topic 1. Marie's enemies. Topic 2. Maupiti. Topic 5. Topic 7. Contradict his answer by Memorizing: Anita, opinion, Topic 7 Topic 10. Marie. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Noticed, the 30th. Schedule, the 30th, night. Schedule, day 1, 10 am. Contradict his answer by Memorizing: Bruce, noticed, day 1, 10 am or Gift +2 (same answer) Doing, day 1, 2:30 pm. [Locked room] Doing, day 1, 3:30 pm. [Juste's room] Noticed, day 1, 6 pm. [can Memorize] Noticed, day 1, 8 pm. Contradict his answer by Memorizing: Maguy, noticed, day 1, 8 pm or Gift +1 (same answer) Schedule, day 2, 7 am. Noticed, day 2, 7 am. [Unlocks Topic 4] Doing, day 2, 8:30 am. [In front of Juste's] [Unlocks Topic 17] Doing, day 2, 11:00 am. [South beach] Noticed, day 2, 11 am. Noticed, day 2, 8 pm. Topic 1. Marie's enemies. Topic 8. Contradict his answer by Memorizing: Roy, opinion, Topic 8 or Gift +2 (same answer) Topic 10. Anita. [Remember this!] Roy. Chris. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Juste: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Noticed, day 1, 6 pm. [ask at 8 pm in the Saloon] [Give +3], or: Contradict his answer by Memorizing: Sue, noticed, day 1, 6 pm then Gift +2 [You get clue points from the 4th answer] Topic 3. Marie's habits. [Remember this!] Topic 5. Topic 13. Relationship Bob-Marie. Anita. [Remember this!] Bob. [Unlocks Topic 13, Relationship Bob-Marie] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Maguy: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Noticed, the 30th. Schedule, the 30th, night. Schedule, day 1, 3 pm. Noticed, day 1, 8 pm. [can Memorize] Noticed, day 1, 11 pm. Noticed, day 2, 2 am. [can Memorize] Noticed, day 2, 7 am. [Unlocks Topic 17] Doing, day 2, 10:30 am. [Saloon] [Unlocks Topic 8] Doing, day 2, 11:00 am. [In front of Maguy's] [Unlocks Topic 8] Noticed, day 2, 11 am. Topic 2. Maupiti. Topic 3. Marie's habits. Topic 5. Topic 12. Topic 13. Relationship Bob-Marie. Topic 20. [Unlocks Topic 5] [Gives clue points] Bob. [Unlocks Topic 13, Relationship Bob-Marie] Chris. Marie. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Roy: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule, the 30th, night. Doing, day 1, 3:00 pm. [Marie's room] [can Memorize] Schedule, day 1, 3 pm. [Give +2], or: Contradict his answer by Memorizing: Roy, doing, day 1, 3:00 pm [Marie's room] Noticed, day 1, 6 pm. [Give +3] Schedule, day 2, 1 am. Schedule, day 2, 2 am. Schedule, day 2, 7 am. Noticed, day 2, 7 am. Schedule, day 2, 10 am. [Unlocks Topic 8] Noticed, day 2, 10 am. Schedule, day 2, 11 am. Noticed, day 2, 11 am. Topic 5. Topic 7. Topic 8. [Give +2] [can Memorize 1st answer] Topic 10. Topic 18. Chris. Marie. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sue: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Noticed, the 30th. [can Memorize] Noticed, day 1, 6 pm. [Give +2] [can Memorize 1st answer] Noticed, day 1, 7 pm. [Give +1] [can Memorize 1st answer] Noticed, day 1, 10 pm. Schedule, day 2, 2 am. [Give +2], or: Contradict her answer by Memorizing: Maguy, noticed, day 2, 2 am Noticed, day 2, 3 am. Noticed, day 2, 9 am. Topic 5. Anita. [Give +2] Bruce. Bob. [Unlocks Topic 14, Relationship Bob-Sue] [Extra suspect]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.10.2. LESS IMPORTANT QUESTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Anita: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Noticed, day 1, 11 am. Topic 2. Maupiti. Topic 6. Topic 15. Topic 18. Maguy. [Gift +1] Sue. Anita. Bruce. Roy. Anton. Juste. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Anton: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Noticed, the 30th, night. Noticed, day 1, 12 pm. Noticed, day 2, 12 pm. [Unlocks Topic 18] Topic 4. Topic 7. Topic 9. Topic 14. Relationship Bob-Sue. Juste. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Noticed, day 2, 7 am. [Unlocks Topic 17] Doing, day 2, 12:30 pm. [Pond] Noticed, day 2, 8 pm. Topic 2. Maupiti. Topic 6. Topic 7. Topic 9. Bruce. Roy. Bob. Anton. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bruce: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule, the 30th, night. Doing, day 2, 4:30 am. [South beach] [Give +1] Doing, day 2, 7:00 am. [Pier] Doing, day 2, 7:30 am. [Pier] Topic 3. Marie's habits. Topic 4. [Give +2, also content warning] Topic 6. Topic 8. Topic 11. Topic 12. Topic 14. Relationship Bob-Sue. Maguy. Bruce. Roy. Bob. Anton. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Noticed, the 30th, night. Schedule, day 1, 1 pm. [Give +2] Schedule, day 1, 7 pm. Contradict his answer by Memorizing: Sue, noticed, day 1, 7 pm or Gift +1 (same answer) Noticed, day 2, 4 am. Topic 4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Juste: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Topic 2. Maupiti. Topic 7. Topic 10. Topic 14. Relationship Bob-Sue. Topic 15. Maguy. Bruce. Anton. Juste. [Extra suspect]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Maguy: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Noticed, day 2, 12 pm. Noticed, day 2, 1 pm. Noticed, day 2, 3 pm. Noticed, day 2, 8 pm. Topic 1. Marie's enemies. [Give +3] Topic 4. Topic 7. Topic 9. Topic 17. Topic 18. Maguy. Sue. Anita. Bruce. Juste. [Extra suspect]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Roy: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Noticed, day 1, 11 am. Noticed, day 2, 8 am. Noticed, day 2, 8 pm. Topic 2. Maupiti. Topic 3. Marie's habits. Topic 12. Topic 14. Relationship Bob-Sue. Topic 15. Sue. Anita. Bruce. Bob. [Extra suspect]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sue: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Schedule, day 2, 10 am. Topic 1. Marie's enemies. Topic 11. Roy. Anton. ======================================================================== 2.11. GIVE ======================================================================== SPOILERS FOR ITEMS! Try to explore the game's locations as much as you can before consulting this section. As mentioned in section 1.7.2, after you ask someone a question, you can Give people items to see if they'll say additional answers. This section will cover the items that people appreciate (not all such items, but most of them). Useful situations are in section 2.10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.11.1. RECIPIENTS AND ITEMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ITEM SPOILERS: * means this is a useful item you shouldn't give away. Anita: - Newspaper (Your cabin), Bracelet (Roy's cabin), Suntan lotion (South beach), Bracelet (Marie's room), Brooch (Marie's room) Anton: - *Binoculars (Bruce's cabin), Bra (Bruce's cabin), Knife (Garden) Bob: - Handkerchief (Bruce's cabin), Sheet of paper (Chris' cabin), *Sheet of paper (Roy's cabin), Letter (Marie's room), Brooch (Marie's room) Bruce: - Lighter (Kitchen-bar), Lucky-Strikes (Kitchen-bar), Lighter (Marie's room), Lucky-Strikes (Marie's room) Chris: - Bullet (Bamboo Hold), Letter (all three, Bob's cabin), *Sheet of paper (Roy's cabin), *Key (Pier), Paper (Garden), Bracelet (Marie's room) Juste: - Bra (Bruce's cabin), Amulet (In front of Maguy's), Hook (North beach), Fishing line (North beach) Maguy: - Bra (Bruce's cabin), Bracelet (Roy's cabin), *Key (Pier), Bible (Brisban Corridor), Bible (Juste's room), Cross (South beach), Bracelet (Marie's room), Brooch (Marie's room) Roy: - Newspaper (Your cabin), Knife (Bamboo Hold) Sue: - Newspaper (Your cabin), Bracelet (Roy's cabin), Ring (Sue's room), Suntan lotion (South beach), Bracelet (Marie's room), Brooch (Marie's room) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.11.2. ITEMS AND RECIPIENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Your Cabin: - Newspaper (Anita, Roy, Sue) Corridor (Brisban): - Bible (Maguy) Bob's Cabin: - Letter, all three (Chris) Pier: - Key (Chris, Maguy) [USEFUL TO KEEP] Hold (Bamboo): - Bullet (Chris) - Knife (Roy) Bruce's Cabin: - Binoculars (Anton) [USEFUL TO KEEP] - Handkerchief (Bob) - Bra (Anton, Juste, Maguy) Chris' Cabin: - Sheet of paper (Bob) Roy's Cabin: - Bracelet (Anita, Maguy, Sue) - Sheet of paper (Bob, Chris) [USEFUL TO KEEP] In front of Maguy's: - Amulet (Juste) Sue's Room: - Ring (Sue) Marie's Room: - Bracelet (Anita, Chris, Maguy, Sue) - Brooch (Anita, Bob, Maguy, Sue) - Lighter (Bruce) - Lucky-Strikes (Bruce) - Letter (Bob) Kitchen-Bar: - Lighter (Bruce) - Lucky-Strikes (Bruce) Garden: - Knife (Anton) - Paper (Chris) Juste's Room: - Bible (Maguy) North Beach: - Hook (Juste) - Fishing line (Juste) South Beach: - Cross (Maguy) - Suntan lotion (Anita, Sue) ======================================================================== 2.12. BRIBING AND STRIKING ======================================================================== These mechanics were barely discussed in the French Amiga guide, so I'm repeating what little information was given, assuming it still applies to the English PC version. I haven't tested it empirically. To Strike someone and win, you need to have at least equal or more Health than your target. I have no idea if the health of other characters changes during the game. Regardless of success or failure, Striking someone will make you lose 10 Health points. Your target's eyes will change if you succeed. Then you'll lose 10 Trust points (40 with witnesses), and they probably won't want to talk to you after that. The health points of the other characters are: 90 Bob, Chris 80 Anton 60 Bruce, Roy 40 Anita, Juste 30 Maguy 20 Sue For Bribing, supposedly each character has a minimum amount you need to offer them. Even then, I'm not sure it guarantees success(?), so save your game. After you've bribed someone once, each subsequent bribe seems to cost you one point of Trust? Even if you cancel the Bribe attempt. The total amount of money you can find in the game is $108. The amount you're carrying is shown at the top of the screen, but glitches once it's over $99, dropping the middle digit, so "11" could mean $101 or $11. Minimum Bribing amounts, according to the French Amiga guide: $ 9 Anton 10 Sue 11 Juste 13 Roy 15 Bruce 18 Anita 21 Bob 22 Maguy Chris cannot be Bribed. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== 3. SPOILERS ======================================================================== ======================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. How this game works: (See its Table of contents) 2. Hints: (See its Table of contents) 3.0. Introduction to the Spoilers 3.1. A Few More Give and Show Items 3.2. Times and Places That Hurt You 3.3. Location Spoilers (There's a lot here!) 3.4. Conversation Topics 3.5. Clues 3.6. The Piano Puzzle 3.7. The Pirate Puzzle 3.8. The Final Challenge 3.9. Timeline and Story 3.10. Walkthroughs and Other Resources ======================================================================== 3.0. INTRODUCTION TO THE SPOILERS ======================================================================== This section contains more complete explanations of things you can do in the game, although some parts will still require you to figure out the details. (It depends.) While writing this guide, I experimented with a memory scanner called Cheat Engine to monitor values during the game (money, health, trust, and clue percentages). To be honest, I'm not very good at using it, but I did have some success when searching for 2-byte values. I wasn't able to make consistent cheat tables. ======================================================================== 3.1. A FEW MORE GIVE AND SHOW ITEMS ======================================================================== These are spoiler items you can Give to people, or Show them. Give: (Honestly, don't give these away, they're important.) Jewel box (opened) - Bob, Chris, Roy Diamond (from Juste's room) - Roy Medallion (closed) - Anita, Bob Medallion (opened) - Bob, Chris, Roy Show: Jewel box (opened) - Maguy Medallion (opened) - Chris ======================================================================== 3.2. TIMES AND PLACES THAT HURT YOU ======================================================================== Aside from running out of Health or Trust, which ends the game, here are other negative circumstances to avoid: You can get knocked unconscious at the following times and places. For some of them, it's only if you're there at the top of the hour. For others, it's being there during a time period. You'll wake up 30 minutes later, in another location. You can get knocked out: Day 1, 2:00 pm - Locked room Day 1, 11:00 pm - Saloon Day 1, 11:00-11:25 pm - Kitchen-bar Day 2, 12:00 am - Roy's cabin Day 2, 2:00 am - Pier Day 2, 7:00-7:25 am - Pond You can get killed: Day 1, 6:30-6:55 pm - Marie's room Day 2, 1:30-1:55 am - Juste's room Day 2, 2:00-2:25 am - North beach Other ways to die: - (Any time): Trying to reach the statue in the pond. - (When it's not low tide): Drowning in the well. - Day 1, die between 3:30-5:00 pm: Print any sheet of paper in the piano prematurely, from 12:00-5:00 pm. - Day 1, die at 11:00 pm: Take or move the piano sheet after 5:30 pm. - Day 2, die at 2:00 am: Take or move Roy's diamond from his cabin. ======================================================================== 3.3. LOCATION SPOILERS ======================================================================== If a location isn't mentioned here, it's because there's nothing more to say about it, other than what you can find in HINTS section 2.6. There are 3 locations below that were not mentioned earlier! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANTON'S CABIN (on the Brisban) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11:30 am on day 1 is when this room first becomes unoccupied. - You can Look at and Take a coin from the top of Anton's desk, to the left of the pad of note-paper. - You can find $3 in his bag. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOB'S CABIN (on the Brisban) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11:00 am on day 1 is when this room first becomes unoccupied. - Search the empty top shelf to find two letters from the Lady in black. - On the middle shelf, Look at its lower right corner to see the edge of an envelope poking out. You can Take that. - Take or Read all three letters to get clue points. Any one of them will unlock conversation Topic 15. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PIER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On day 2 at exactly 2:00 am, you'll be knocked unconscious as someone moves through here. It's safe to be on the pier at 2:05 am. - On day 2 at 2:05 am, a key visibly appears on the screen, towards the lower left. You can Look at and Take it. Show it to Anita or Maguy for more information. - On day 2 at 5:30 am, Observe the pier to get clue points. (It also unlocks Topic 18.) - Juste's body will appear here on day 2 from 7:00 am to 8:25 am. If you don't get the two conversation topics (Topic 4 and Topic 17), talk to Anton and ask him what he noticed at 7 am. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOLD (on the Bamboo) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Take the bullet from the floor for clue points. - Look at the upper left corner of the crate until the game's text box gives you the message "Explosives!", which gives you clue points. If you see the message "Pandora's box?" then you haven't clicked on the right spot, but you're close. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BRUCE'S CABIN (on the Bamboo) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This room is unoccupied at the start of the game. - Inside the desk, the binoculars are extremely useful in another location! - Look at the pocket of the robe hanging on the left wall. You can Take the handkerchief, which belongs to Marie. - The bra under the desk belongs to Maguy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHRIS' CABIN (on the Bamboo) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12:00 pm on day 1 is when this room first becomes unoccupied. - Open and search the blue box on the left wall, on the very top shelf. Take or Read both the photo and the sheet of paper for clue points. Make a note of the information, it's important. - A piece of glass also appears in the box, some time during the night between 9 pm and 2 am. I don't know its significance. - Note the bracelet on the wrist of the person in the photo. - "Ciceron" is a typo, it should be "Cicero". The French game devs forgot to translate it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROY'S CABIN (on the Bamboo) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11:00 am on day 1 is when this room first becomes unoccupied. If you are in this room at exactly 12:00 am on day 2, someone will knock you unconscious. - On the right wall, you can Turn the coat hooks to open up a hidden compartment, where there is $10. - You can Turn the right-most knob on the radio to open up another hidden compartment. - A sheet of paper will appear in the compartment behind the radio on day 2 at 2:00 am. Read or Take it for clue points. - On day 1, the bookshelf on the back wall has an empty space. On day 2 at 1:30 am, it's filled by a book, which you can Take. This gives clue points. Bring it into another room and Drop or Put it somewhere, which allows you to see its full title. - The diamond in the drawer disappears on day 2 at 2:00 am. If you Take or move this item before then, Roy will kill you at 2:00 am. If you Put it back in the drawer (use the Put action, not the Drop off action), you should be safe. - Underneath and just to the left of where Roy's socks are hanging, on the little raised shelf in front of his mirror, to the right of the shaving brush, use 'Look at' to get the message "A clue?". Use the Take command here to pick up a bracelet. Weirdly, this item becomes more visible after 1:30 am(?), but you can Take it at any time. - The watch you can find in this room belonged to the same person as the bracelet. Given that Roy isn't in his cabin between 1:30 and 2:25 am, it feels like the changes in the room shouldn't be happening until 2:30 am. Just pretend it makes sense. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IN FRONT OF MAGUY'S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Try to open the top door on the left. You can't, but this will unlock conversation Topic 20. Ask Maguy (or Sue?) about this, and it will unlock Topic 5, and give you clue points. It also unlocks the conversation topic of Lucie, an extra suspect. - Observe this location on day 1 at 11:30 pm for clue points. - On the ground, below the right-most potted plant, and to the right of the blue flowers, is a small red thing that you can Look at and Take. It was stolen from Juste and abandoned here. - On the ground, slightly to the right of the door to the Saloon, below the left side of the central bush, at the very bottom of the screen, you can Look at and Take a coin. - The cigarette butt behind the bush suggests that Chris was here earlier in the morning, but this is of no significance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOCKED ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Try to open the door. You can't (at first), but by trying to open it, you unlock conversation Topic 20. Ask Maguy or Sue about this, and it will unlock Topic 5, and give you clue points. It also unlocks the conversation topic of Lucie, an extra suspect. The key is hidden in Maguy's room, which becomes accessible on day 1 between 10:30 - 11:25 am, and from 1:00 - 3:25 pm. If you are in the locked room at exactly 2:00 pm, someone will knock you unconscious. (It's safe to arrive at 2:05 pm.) A cigarette butt will be left on the floor. - Look at the lower right edge of the pillow to see a clue. It's significant, but you don't get points for it. Otherwise there's nothing of interest here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUE'S ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10:30 am on day 1 is when this room first becomes unoccupied. Sue goes in and out of her room several times during the day. There's not much you can do in here, but you can try to interact with the teddy bear for some silly responses. - In the pot at the bottom of the potted plant, you can Look at and Take a ring. - Oddly, if you search the back wall just above the highest books, you'll find a bottle of aspirin. - Later, the game really wants you to figure out who Anton was with on the night of day 1. The answer is Sue. You can find this out either by hiding in here before 11:00 pm and waiting around, or by asking Sue what she noticed on day 2 at 2:00 am, then Giving her an item she likes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MARIE'S ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you're in this room on day 1 between 6:30 - 6:55 pm, you will be killed by someone. - Note that the bed has not been slept in, there are still pajamas under the pillow, and the ashtray appears to be empty. - The window can be Opened, and the aquarium can be Turned. If you do both these things, note their position relative to each other. - You can search underneath the dresser. Marie is not the owner of this bracelet, it belongs to Anita. - Look at the edges of the bedsheets near the pillow, and you can Take a brooch there. - To the right of the bedside table, there's a section of floor going left-to-right that is shaded slightly differently. If you Look at it (in the right spot), you'll get the message "The floorboard is new". You can use the Raise action on it. You'll find a coin, and there used to be money hidden here. - The matches underneath the bedside table are weird. If you Show it to people, most of them will reply, "Nobody liked her. Anybody will tell you so," which makes no sense. - In the cache behind the aquarium, the letter is the least important item, but if you Show it to people, you can get several reactions. - In the cache behind the aquarium, the jewel box and the sheet of paper are both for solving puzzles! For clue points, Look at the jewel box and Read the sheet of paper, or Take them both. - Show paper with the song list to Bob and Maguy. The number of songs, and the order of the songs, are useful details. Can you figure out why? - The stone in the aquarium is extremely important! Note the design on the end. - On day 1 after 7:00 pm, the bookshelf will have been broken open. Note there is now a book missing. You can find it somewhere else, on day 2. - Look at the bookshelf to unlock conversation Topic 16. It may depend what part of the bookshelf you click on. I've had success with the books on the top right shelves. Some people will tell you that Maguy can identify what's missing, but she's no help at all. - After the bookshelf has been broken open, on the top left shelf, there's a single book you can Take. There's no indication that this is possible. This book is very useful for a puzzle! Picking it up gives you clue points, and unlocks Topic 9. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANITA'S ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10:30 am on day 1 is when this room first becomes unoccupied. - On the floor, around the middle of the bed, are two things you can Look at and Take. A clasp (i.e., a safety pin), and a key. Both of these items are useless; ignore them. - In the left half of the dresser, you can find $5. There is also a newspaper. Taking or Reading it unlocks Topic 19, and gives you clue points. - On day 1 after 7:00 pm, Search the pot on the upper shelf on the back wall. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SALOON ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For full spoilers, see THE PIANO PUZZLE (section 3.6), which will explain the statements below. If you're here on day 1 at exactly 11:00 pm, you'll be knocked unconscious as someone passes through. - On the left side of the wall behind the piano, you can Take a length of hemp cord that's hanging there. It blends in with the trawling net in the background. This cord is extremely important! - You can put coins in the slot on the top right of the piano, and it will play music for you. There are a limited supply of coins on the island. - You can Open the lower half of the piano, and see its inner mechanisms. Try using the Sound action on the flat panel on the lower right. - You can Turn the piano's right leg (just next to the little side-table). This unlocks Topic 12. Ask Maguy about it. (Warning: Experimenting with the leg, in combination with other factors, might get you killed later. It's safe on day 2.) - If you look at the piano's three pedals closely, you'll notice that on the beginning of day 1, the middle pedal is in same position as the outer two pedals. But over the course of day 1, it moves... twice. It also moves on day 2. What does it mean, and when does it happen? - Note that on day 1 after 11:00 pm, ashes and a cigarette butt appear on the floor here, near the left foot of the piano. Why? - Look at the top left of the piano, and you'll see the message, "The paint is flaking off". Look for another item nearby that belongs to the same person as the piano, and has the same message when you Look at it. Put it on that spot on the piano, and you'll get clue points. (And it's an alternative way of unlocking Topic 12.) This will allow you to Open the flat panel inside the piano, revealing a secret space. - An item will appear in the secret space inside the piano on day 1, then later disappear. What events coincide with this? Where does the item end up? (Warning: If you Take the item, you will be killed later.) - Try experimenting with the piano on day 2, combining different ways you can interact with it. For full spoilers, see THE PIANO PUZZLE (section 3.6). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ KITCHEN-BAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you're in this room on day 1 between 11:00 - 11:25 pm, you will be knocked unconscious by someone. - The notes written on the calendar on the wall are very important for a puzzle! - You can Take the ashtray from the table. This item is weirdly useful! Try bringing it into a different room, Drop it, then Search the knotted handkerchief symbol, where you can Look at it more closely. Show it to Maguy or Sue. More importantly, you can use this item nearby, in a most unexpected way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAGUY'S ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10:30 am on day 1 is when this room first becomes unoccupied (just for an hour), then later from 1:00 to 3:25 pm. Maguy goes in and out of her room several times during the day. - Under the pillow, you can Look at and Take a letter from Bruce. You can also Search the same spot, but it only seems to work if you haven't Taken the letter yet. - You can Push the painting on the back wall. Inside, you'll find $10, and the key that opens the door to the locked room on the second floor of the building. - You can Raise the carpet next to the bed, revealing a trap door. - You can Turn the bedside lamp, to take it apart. Search its lower half, and you'll find a key. Take it, then Open the trap door. - To enter the Opened trap door, in the Movement menu, choose the new travel option, "In the passageway". ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAVE UNDER MAGUY'S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a secret cave of the Vargas brothers, Spanish pirates who used to sail these seas! Reaching this location unlocks Topic 7. Storage spaces: - Inside the large pot. - Use the Read command on the text at the top of the back wall to get the message, "Jemelos y indivisibles". More accurately, this should have been spelled "Gemelos y indivisibles". It's the motto of the Vargas brothers, meaning "Twins and indivisible". Where else have you seen this phrase? - Use the Look at command on the two men on the back wall, to get the message, "Pirates". This gives you clue points. - Use the Read command on the rectangle on the bottom of the back wall. Write this down, or take a screen shot. Note that the text is mirrored; it's backwards. This is used in combination with the statue at the Pond. - Use the Look at command on the symbols to the left and right sides of the back wall. This gives you clue points. Take screen shots of these symbols. Their exact shapes and positions are very important! - The back wall is highly symmetric (or mirrored). The small symbols on the wall are also symmetric. What are they symmetric of? (Full SPOILERS for this area are in section 3.7.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GARDEN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - In the large potted plant on the right, you can Look at and Take $3. - One of the stone tiles of the garden path can be Raised. It's the third one up from the bottom right. If you're not sure, use the Sound command until you see the message, "That sounds hollow!" - When you find the paper in the secret space, be sure to Look at and Smell it. Taking or reading the paper gives you clue points. So far as anyone knows, this cannot be decoded; see THE PIANO PUZZLE section. However, finding this item unlocks conversation Topic 10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IN FRONT OF JUSTE'S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - There is a coin on the ground that you can Look at and Take, along the left side of the path. - On day 2, the key to unlock Juste's room will show up at the Pier, after 2:05 am. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ JUSTE'S ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you're in this room on day 2 between 1:30 and 1:55 am, you will be killed. - You can Look at and Take $2 sticking out of the left side of Juste's mattress. - Search the space under the cabinet, clicking towards the left side, to find a photo. Look at or Take it to get clue points. Show the photo to anyone (except Juste or Chris), to unlock the conversation topic of Lucie, an extra suspect. Note the color of Lucie's hair, and her bracelet. - Juste finds something on day 1 at 6:00 pm at the North beach, and returns home to burn it at 7:00 pm, locking his door from 6:30 to 7:25 pm. The item can be found inside his stove. Juste will leave to have dinner, and then return to lock his door again at 9:30 pm. - Sue, who was also at the North beach at 6:00 pm, can be asked what she noticed at that time. She has two additional answers if you Give her items she likes. On the other hand, if you ask Juste what he noticed on day 1 at 6:00 pm, he'll say he didn't notice anything. However, if you Give him three items he likes (or convince him by other means), he'll give three additional answers. You get clue points for getting all of Juste's extra answers. - On day 2, the key to unlock Juste's room will show up at the Pier, after 2:05 am. - On day 2, once you can get into Juste's room, an item has appeared on the screen that you can Look at and Take. It's a small, dark spot on the floor, just below and to the right of the stove. Taking it gives you clue points. How did it get here? Who does it belong to? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NORTH BEACH ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you're in this location on day 2 between 2:00 - 2:25 am, you will be killed by someone. - There are two items you can Look at and Take. Use the Look at command on the sand around the clump of rocks in the bottom left of the screen. In one spot is a seashell (not useful), and in another spot is a fishing hook (that Juste appreciates if you Give it to him). - Something happens here on day 1 at 6:00 pm in the presence of Juste, Sue, and Roy. You can ask Sue what she noticed at that time, and she can also give you two additional answers, if you Give her items she likes. If you ask Juste what he noticed at that time, he'll say he didn't notice anything. However, if you Give him three items he likes (or convince him by other means), he'll give three additional answers. You get clue points for getting all of Juste's extra answers. Your opportunity to get this information is very narrow. - You can Search a small rock out in the water. An item appears here on day 2 at 1:30 am. (I think this is an error; it shouldn't appear until after 2:30 am.) This item is extremely important! Look at or Take this item to get clue points. You can Show it to several people to get different responses, but in its current state, you should definitely Show it to Sue, which will give you extra clue points for finding the information. Make a note of her answer, it's important. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUTH BEACH ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - There are two items on the screen that you can Look at and Take. One is towards the lower left of the beach, and the other, smaller item is more towards the middle. - There's a large hole at the bottom of one of the trees that you can Search. Bruce leaves $40 inside, on day 1 at 12:00 pm. Why? Well, he comes back here 9 more times. Combine that knowledge with an item you can find in Bruce's cabin, and something you can uncover in the Garden. Also, if you use the Observe command when Bruce is around and alone, in various locations, you'll sometimes see these messages: "He has circles under his eyes, and his skin is grey." "Bruce paces back and forth..." "Bruce sits at the foot of the leaning tree. He's covered with large beads of sweat." "Bruce is talking to himself... He's nervous and jumpy." - Something happens here in the morning of day 2, at 10:30 am. It's informative to Observe this location at both 10:00 and 11:00 am, and to ask Chris what he's doing here at 11:00 am. (Those last two things are important, make a note of them.) Ask Roy about his schedule on day 2 at 10 am, and this unlocks conversation Topic 8. It's also a good idea to ask Bob what he noticed on day 2 at 11 am. - Something else happens here on day 2 at 6:30 pm. If you don't get conversation Topic 11, try Observing this location at 6:30 pm, or ask Bruce what he noticed at 6 pm. It's worth asking these questions: Ask Sue about her schedule at 7 pm, [also unlocks Topic 11] Ask Bruce what he noticed at 7 pm, [also unlocks Topic 11] Ask Bob about his schedule at 8 pm, and ask Chris what he noticed at 8 pm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ POND ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you're in this location on day 2 between 7:00 - 7:25 am, you will be knocked unconscious by someone. There will be a black screen and a long pause; don't worry, wait. Water levels (both AM and PM): 8:00-12:55 High tide (5 hours) 1:00-3:55 Water lowering (3 hours) 4:00-4:55 Low tide (1 hour) 5:00-7:55 Water rising (3 hours) - You can't reach the statue. It always results in death. - When it's visible, Look at the statue to unlock Topic 6. - At low tide (between 4:00-4:55 am or pm), use the Look at command on the carving under the statue. This gives you clue points. - In Bruce's cabin on the Bamboo, Open and Search his desk, and Take his binoculars, so that they're in your inventory. Get to the Pond by low tide (between 4:00-4:55 am or pm), and use the Read command on the carving under the statue. Write this down, or take a screen shot. Note that the text is mirrored; it's backwards. This is used in combination with the carving on the wall in the Cave under Maguy's room. - On day 2 at 5:00 am, a waterproof strongbox appears in the pond. You can't interact with it, so don't waste your time. It disappears after 7:00 am when someone comes to get it. During this two-hour time period, Look at the strongbox to unlock conversation Topic 18. (You can also unlock the topic by asking Anton what he noticed at 5 am.) It seems to be a red herring; no one tells you anything useful about it. I don't know what the point of it is. You can Observe the Pond on day 2 at 12:00 pm, but it doesn't help much. (Related to the strongbox, you can get some clue points by Observing the Pier at 5:30 am.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WELL ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Well! Gateway to the end of the game! - Between the tree roots to the left of the well, you can Look at and Take a coin. - You can Raise a stone on the ground, next to the well, but there's nothing useful in there. - If you have the cord that was hanging on the wall of the Saloon, you can Put it around the trunk of the tree (the one on top of the well). You have to click somewhere around the lower right side of the trunk. If you succeed, you'll have a new travel option under the Movement menu: "In the well". But if you try to go there when it isn't low tide (between 4:00 - 4:55 am or pm), you'll die. - There's something else you need to do here, which will be discussed in the location below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IN THE WELL ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can only be in this location during low tide, between 4:00 - 4:55 am or pm. It's better to be here in the afternoon, when there's more light from above. Storage spaces: - None. There's not much down here. A round opening, closed off by metal bars. A skull on the lower right that you can't interact with. But here's a weird thing that Robotspacer noticed when he was playing the game: If you use the "Take" command towards the lower left edge of the pool, the game says there's a skull there. Except there isn't. It turns out that in the Amiga version of the game, the skull was originally on the left! When they ported the game to DOS, they changed the artwork... but not the spot on the screen where the game thinks the skull is located. You can Search that spot on the left too, and find some old pirate junk. - Look at the stone on the wall to the right of the round opening. Notice the teeny-tiny little skull and crossbones? Where have you seen that before? - If you go back up, outside the Well, notice the little hole in the corner of one of the lower rocks. Remember the stone you found in Marie's aquarium? The one with the tiny skull and crossbones on it? Put that in the hole. Then, when you're down in the well, if you Push the symbol, the metal bars will open. You'll have a new travel option under the Movement menu: "In the passageway". - If you leave the well, the bars will close behind you. Don't worry, you can Push the symbol again to open it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAVE UNDER THE WELL ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can only be in this location during low tide, between 4:00 - 4:55 am or pm. Act fast!! Read the spoilers ahead of time! To solve this place, you'll need to have figured out Juste's medallion, and translated an old Spanish riddle. Assuming you've done that, what I'm going to do here is describe things in the room, to make it a little easier to figure out. The solution will be fully spoiled at the end of THE PIRATE PUZZLE section (3.7). Unless you get the solution exactly correct, the game won't give you any useful feedback. Your solution either works, or it doesn't. Okay. There's a giant monkey head fountain. The two dark cavernous gaps to either side are irrelevant. Look at the little circular thing to see that it's "A mooring ring". To the immediate right and left of the monkey head are two shelves. It's a little hard to see, but they're marked with the Roman numerals "I" and "II". There's a third, unmarked shelf on the wall to the right. There are 7 shells on the ground. You can only Take 3 of them; the others are stuck to the ground and are useless. If you Look at the shells, the ones you can pick up, they've been carved with "death heads": - 5 death heads (shell on the far left) - 3 death heads (second shell from the left) - 8 death heads (middle shell on the right) You can only use "Look at" to tell which is which, when they're on the ground (use the Drop off command). In your inventory, they all look the same: "A giant seashell". If you're carrying a shell, you can Put it on any of the three shelves. You can also Put it back on the ground, but you have to click on the exact space where you picked it up - it's easier to use the Drop off command for this. To empty a shell, Turn it. To refill a shell, Take it, then Put it on the chin of the monkey head fountain. Or you can pour more water into it from another shell. All the shells start with a full amount of water. To find out how much water they contain, use the "Sound" command. To transfer the contents of shell A to shell B: - Take shell A. - Shell B must be on the screen somewhere. - Put shell A on shell B. If shell A has 7 measures of water, and shell B is empty but only has the capacity for 4 measures of water, Putting shell A on shell B will go like this: Before: Shell A = 7 measures, Shell B = 0 measures. After: Shell A = 3 measures, Shell B = 4 measures. Good luck! For the full solution, skip to the end of THE PIRATE PUZZLE section (3.7)! ======================================================================== 3.4. CONVERSATION TOPICS ======================================================================== Suspects: Lucie is a suspect who isn't on your list at the start of the game. Two ways to add her to the list are: - Try to open the locked room in front of Maguy's. Then ask Maguy about it. - Or, at Juste's, search underneath the left half of the cabinet to find a photo, and show it to anyone except Chris or Juste. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Your opinion on..." topics: 1. Marie's enemies. 2. Maupiti. 3. Marie's habits. (These three are automatic at the start of the game.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Juste's murderer. On day 2 at 7:30 am at the Pier, ask Chris what he's doing. Or, ask Anton his opinion on Juste's death. Or, ask Anton, Bruce, or Chris what they noticed on day 2 at 7:00 am. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Lucie's departure. Try to open the locked room in front of Maguy's, then ask Maguy or Sue about it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. The statue at the pond. Look at the statue when it's visible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. The caves. Visit the cave under Maguy's room. To do so, Raise the rug below her bed, Turn the lamp next to her bed to take it apart, Search the lower half of the lamp, and Take the key inside. When it's in your inventory, Open the locked trap door. Move "In the passageway" to enter the cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. The shots. Ask Roy: scheduling, day 2, 10 am. Day 2, 10:30 am, at the South beach, ask Roy what he's doing. Day 2, 10:30 am, in the Saloon, ask Maguy what she's doing. Day 2, 11:00 am, in front of Maguy's, ask Bob, Bruce, Roy or Sue what they're doing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Maupiti and piracy. In Marie's room after day 1 at 7 pm, there is a single book on the top left shelf of the bookshelf that you can Take and Read. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Drug traffic. In the Garden, the third stone up from the bottom-right can be Raised. Search inside to find a paper. Take it or Read it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. The body on the south beach. Automatic on day 2 at 7:30 pm, if you're not at the South beach. Otherwise: Day 2, 6:30 pm, Observe the South beach, or ask Bruce what he's doing there. Bruce: scheduling/notice, day 2, 6 pm. Bruce: notice, day 2, 7 pm. Sue: scheduling, day 2, 7 pm. Bruce: doing, day 2, 7:30 pm (Kitchen-bar). Bob: doing, day 2, 8 pm (South beach). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. The mechanical piano. Either Turn the piano's right leg, or Put the ashtray from the Kitchen-bar on the top-left edge of the piano. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Relationship Bob-Marie. Take or Read the letter hidden in Marie's room (Turn the aquarium). Or, ask Anton, Juste or Maguy about Bob. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Relationship Bob-Sue Ask Sue or Anita about Bob. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. The lady in black. Take or read at least one of the three letters in Bob's cabin. Two are on a top shelf together (Search), and the third is on right edge of the shelf underneath (Look at, Take; the pixels are small). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Marie's bookshelf. Look at the bookshelf in Marie's room after day 1 at 7 pm. (Try the books at the top right.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Juste's death. Automatic on day 2 at 7 am, if you're not at the Pier. Otherwise: On day 2 at 7 am, Observe the Pier. Or, on day 2 at 7:30 am at the Pier, ask Bob, Chris or Roy what they're doing. Or, on day 2 at 8:00 am at the Pier, ask Chris what he's doing. Or, ask: Anita, Anton, Bob, Maguy, Sue: scheduling/noticed, day 2, 7 am. Bruce: scheduling, day 2, 7 am. Anita, Maguy, Sue: doing, day 2, 7:30 am (Kitchen-bar). Chris: scheduling, day 2, 8 am. Chris: doing, day 2, 8:30 am (In front of Juste's). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. The strongbox. On day 2 at the Pond, Look at the strongbox between 5:00 and 6:55 am. Or, on day 2 at the Pond, Observe at 5 am, or at 12:30 pm. Or, on day 2 at the Pier, Observe at 5:30 am. Or ask: Anton: scheduling/noticed/doing, day 2, 5 am (Pond). Bob: scheduling/noticed/doing, day 2, 6 am (Pond). Anton, Bob: noticed, day 2, 12 pm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. White slavery. Take or read the newspaper in Anita's dresser. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. The locked room. Try to open the locked room in front of Maguy's. ======================================================================== 3.5. CLUES ======================================================================== (Thanks to Geezus for figuring most of this out!) As mentioned earlier, the game's French Amiga fans have only been able to locate 95% of the clues in the game. And for some pairs of clues, the game will only give you points for noticing clue A *or* clue B - but not both. So it looks like the maximum you can find during any game session is 75% to 78%. However, this hasn't been proved yet. Maybe the missing 5% is due to something being paired with another clue? Maybe there aren't any more clues? It's unknown! I tried to track clue points using Cheat Engine, to see if finishing the game was where the missing points were hiding, but it doesn't look like it. Nor were there points for finding every conversation topic, nor for visiting every location. The basic clue points are rewarded for the following: +6 Bob's cabin: Read or Take the 3 letters (2 points each). +2 Bamboo hold: Take the bullet. +5 Chris' cabin: Read or Take the photo. +5 Chris' cabin: Read or Take the sheet of paper. +5 Anita's room: Read or Take the newspaper. +3 Cave under Maguy's: Look at the pirates. +3 Marie's room: Look at or Take the jewel box. +2 Marie's room: Read or Take the sheet of paper. +3 Marie's room: Take the Pirates book. +3 Garden: Read or Take the hidden paper. +3 North beach: Look at or Take the medallion. +5 Roy's cabin: Read or Take the hidden sheet of paper. +3 Roy's cabin: Take the Chess book. +5 Juste's room: Look at or Take the photo. +5 Juste's room: Take the diamond. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ With the following pairs of clues, the game only gives you points for one clue, not for both. I don't know why these have been paired up like this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Pair 1) +3 Pond: Look at the base of the statue during low tide. (Not with the Read command.) +3 Cave under Maguy's: Look at the symbols to the right or left of the pirates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Pair 2) +3 Ask Maguy about the locked room. +4 Pier: Observe on day 2 between 5:30-5:55 am. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Pair 3) +4 In front of Maguy's: Observe on day 1 between 11:30-11:55 pm. +4 Show the unopened medallion to Sue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Pair 4) +3 Saloon: Put the ashtray on the piano. +5 Ask Juste what he noticed on day 1 at 6 pm, then Gift him three items (or use other means) to get three additional answers from him. You have a very small window of time to do this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Pair 5) This one's a bit weirder. +4 According to the French Amiga guide, there are fifteen different ways to get these 4 points, by speaking with any one of five people, and getting them to admit they couldn't sleep during part of the night. I don't understand why this is even important. Instead of listing all the possible ways, here are the easiest ones: - Ask Chris for his schedule on day 2 at 2 am, or - Ask Bruce for his schedule on day 2 at 3 am or 4 am. Or, you can get these points the easier way: +4 Bamboo hold: Look at the crate and get the "Explosives!" text. (You have to click towards the crate's top-left corner.) ======================================================================== 3.6. THE PIANO PUZZLE ======================================================================== Marie's mechanical piano in the Saloon is secretly able to receive messages. A message is indicated when the middle pedal moves into a lower position. This first happens on day 1 at noon. Next, the message has to be printed. To do this, Turn the piano's right leg, which is like giving the print command. Put a coin in the piano, and play some music. But which tune? In Marie's room, you can find a list. There are 12 tunes... like there are months in a year. The first song (January) is "Kyrie eleison". Did you notice what happens in the Saloon on day 1 at 5:30 pm? Roy is there, someone plays "Kyrie eleison", and the piano pedal moves back into its upper position, indicating that the message has been printed. A sheet of paper with an encoded message can now be found inside the piano. But how to get it out? If you Open the lower half of the piano, in the bottom right corner is a flat area. That's a secret compartment. To unlock it, you need the key, which is... Marie's ashtray on the table in the Kitchen-bar. Yeah, I know, it's moon logic. There's a small hint if you look at the ashtray, you'll notice the paint is flaking. There's also a spot at the top-left of the piano where the paint is flaking. Put the ashtray there, and ta-daa, you can Open the secret compartment. This is what Roy does on Day 1 at 11:00 pm, dumping the contents of the ashtray on the floor in the process. He takes the encoded message. Fun fact: Also inside the piano are some blank sheets of paper. You can take them, and the message printing system still works. Heck, you can try printing your own copy of the message before Roy does! But if you choose the wrong tune, the code won't print properly. Also, if you print anything before Roy does on day 1, he kills you, either at 3:30 or 5:00 pm. I'm not sure what determines this. Weirdly, there's a thin window of time from 5:00 to 5:25 pm where it seems to be safe to print your own copy. (Don't pick up Roy's copy, or he'll kill you at 11:00 pm.) Doing this is not recommended, because it seems to glitch the game; the message on day 2 won't happen. It should be pointed out that Roy is having a very complicated day. He notices the pedal is down during lunch, but he needs a book to decode the message. Checking Marie's bedroom, he spots the book, but the shelves are locked. At 5:30 pm, he prints out the message inside the piano, but can't get it yet. Roy takes a walk with Sue up to the North beach... only to see Juste retrieve Lucie's wig from his fishing nets. Well, Roy can't deal with that right now, so he heads back down to Maguy's. While Bob and Anita are having a fight next door, Roy breaks the shelves open in Marie's room, and takes the code book. Later that night, Roy hangs around the Kitchen-bar and acts obnoxiously drunk. When it's late and he's finally alone, he takes the ashtray, unlocks the piano, grabs the message, and works on decoding it. Then he heads back to his cabin, where he stays for a while, until he leaves to go murder Juste, before Juste tells anyone about Lucie's wig. By the morning of day 2, you can sneak into Roy's cabin and find the now-decoded message, along with the code book that appears on his shelf, filling the gap in the books that was there on day 1. The book's title? "Chess in 52 games". And did you notice that your coded message has 64 black letters and symbols? At this point, you have to know something about chess notation, which the game doesn't teach you. Every square of a chessboard can be identified with a grid, labelled with letters (A to H) along one edge, and the numbers (1 to 8) on the other edge. (A to H) are the columns, left to right. (1 to 8) are the rows, from the bottom to the top. But I'm not going to do it that way, just to annoy any chess fans reading this guide. Instead, I'm going to do (1 to 8) from top to bottom, which is more visually intuitive. So what you have to do with the coded note, is take all the black letters from the note and make a chessboard out of it, like so: A B C D E F G H 1 - 4 r b - l o a 2 x t s u + j r 9 3 o g t n v w f e 4 w a i h w ! t 3 5 b q ! t e k ? z 6 l d e a 2 u h s 7 x m p g a o f u 8 1 + a r q z t ? Roy has decoded this as "we wait the boat". How did he do this? Well, the chess book has 52 games in it... like there are weeks in a year. Did you notice the calendar on the wall of the Kitchen-bar had someone numbering the weeks? January 31 was week 4. So let's take chess game number 4: White Black 1 e2 - e4 e7 - e5 2 Cg1 - f3 d7 - d6 3 Ff1 - c4 Fc8 - g4 4 Cb1 - c3 g7 - g6 5 Cf3 x e5 Fg4 x d1 6 Fc4 x f7 Re8 - e7 7 Cc3 - d5 mate Ignore the origin of the chess moves (like e2 and Cg1); it doesn't help that the game is using abbreviations for the names of the chess pieces in French. Instead, focus on the destinations, like e4, which on our chessboard is "w"! The next destination is e5 ("e"), then f3 ("w"), and so on, until it spells out "wewaittheboat". Great, now we know how this works! What next? We need another message to decode. There's one hidden in the Garden, but no one in the Maupiti gaming community has ever been able to solve it. It doesn't work with any of the pages in the chess book, and the black letters don't include e, n, r or v. I think it's only there as a kind of fore-shadowing, and to unlock the conversation topic about drugs. So back to the piano we go. The pedal lowers again at 7:00 am on day 2, and this time Roy is too busy to collect the message, so now it's our turn! If the pedal doesn't lower itself, the game glitched. (Like if you printed an extra message the previous day; don't do that.) Anyway, assuming it's working, once the pedal is down on day 2, turn the piano's right leg, put a coin in the slot, and play... Oh wait, it's February now. The second tune on Marie's list is "Ham and eggs", so play that. Unlock the piano with the ashtray if you haven't already, and Take the new sheet of paper, which makes this chessboard: A B C D E F G H 1 6 q a c x - 5 z 2 d r i o f 9 l v 3 n 3 e w b n m W 4 n s k i t . ! h 5 q h s b g 8 g ? 6 ? s y o r d e 7 7 a z e u + p ! j 8 w r o t u t d z And now it's week 5, so from the chess book, the moves we want are: e4, e6, d4, d5, c3, b4, a3, c3, c3, f6, e5, d7, a4, c5, g4, f8, h4, c7, h3, d4, a3, g8, g7. And that turns into: "tribesneedguns!theWind!" Or "tribes need guns! the Wind!" From this all work, we're supposed to assume that "the Wind" is the nick-name of Menelik, the person mentioned in the paper in Chris' cabin. I know, it's a stretch. And that's the Piano Puzzle. But that's nothing compared to... ======================================================================== 3.7. THE PIRATE PUZZLE ======================================================================== This puzzle is insanely convoluted. First, you need a book from Marie's bookshelf, which isn't accessible until day 1 after 7:00 pm. There is no indication that you can Take the book, which is on the top-left shelf. Once you've picked it up, the title is "The Pirates". What you need is on the second-last page: "With the map upside down, From the north to the south, by the pier, the monkey and pirates in the cave on the wet death's head, add the numbers without going backwards... Then, follow the direction of the zodiacs as it is written..." What the heck are we supposed to do with this? "With the map upside down" - ok, let's take the map of the island, but upside down, which looks something like this: South beach [X] Maguy's [X] Garden [X] Pier [X] Pond [X] Well [X] Juste's [X] North beach [X] Now what? Next, you have to enter the secret cave under Maguy's bedroom. Turn her bedside lamp to take it apart, Search the base of the lamp to find a key, Raise the carpet below her bed to discover a trap door, Open it, then Move into the passageway. On the back wall of the cave, to the left and right of the pirates, are some tiny symbols. From top to bottom, they look like this: ####### ####### # # ####### ####### # # # # # ### ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ####### ####### # # ####### ####### ####### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ####### ####### # # ####### # # # # If you look at the symbols on the right half of the wall, and chop them in half, the right halves of the symbols become numbers! Well, mostly. I've added extra dots below to help: #### #### # #### #### # # # # ### # # # # O # # # # # # # O #### #### # #### ####OO ####O # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #### #### # #### # # (Side-note: Like the calendar in the kitchen, this has a cultural bias. When people in France write numbers by hand, it's common to add that extra stroke to the top of the "1", and consequently they add a middle stroke to the "7" so it's easier to tell them apart. The weird "4" is how someone in France would scribble the number if they were writing it down really quickly.) Ok, 251374. Next, the positions of the numbers on the wall are important. You can put them onto the upside-down map of the island... if you ignore recent structures, like the garden and Juste's home. Now our map looks like this, squished here to save space: South beach [2] Maguy's [5] Pier [1] Pond [3] Well [7] North beach [4] Going back to the Pirates book, the next bit is: "From the north to the south, by the pier, the monkey and pirates in the cave on the wet death's head". The wet death's head means the skull and crossbones hidden on the rock inside the well. The monkey is the pond, and the pirates in the cave are at Maguy's. So if we take this literally, that would be: "From the north (4) to the south (2), by the pier (1), the monkey (3) and pirates in the cave (5) on the wet death's head (7)". So... 421357? Nope, that's wrong. What it's actually saying is: Start with the north (4), and END with the south (2). With everything else (1, 3, 5, 7) in between. The correct sequence is: 4, 1, 3, 5, 7, 2. The next part from the Pirates book is: "add the numbers without going backwards". What does that mean? Modular arithmetic! Like... you know how on a clock, the time goes 10, 11, 12, then re-sets to 1? Same thing. 11 o'clock plus 2 hours equals 1 o'clock. Take the jewel box we found in Marie's room, the one marked with the Vargas' motto, "Twins and indivisible". It's got five buttons. So let's start Touching the buttons, adding the numbers together, as if counting on a clock with only numbers 1 through 5. (In mathematics, this would be called "mod 5".) Going from left to right, the first button to press is the 4th one: @ @ @ @ @ 4 Then we start adding the rest of the sequence (+1, +3, +5, +7, +2). The next button is +1... @ @ @ @ @ +1 Which is the 5th button. Except now we're out of buttons. That's where "add the numbers without going backwards" comes in. Keep counting, by looping back to the beginning! Next is +3: @ @ @ @ @ +1 +2 +3 Landing us on the 3rd button. Followed by +5: @ @ @ @ @ +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 And that cycles us back to the 3rd button again. When we add +7: @ @ @ @ @ +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 We're at the 5th button again. And finally +2: @ @ @ @ @ +1 +2 Ends on the 2nd button. If your brain hurts at this point, I am truly, deeply sorry. Once you touch the jewel box buttons in the sequence 4, 5, 3, 3, 5, 2, it should open. It may take a couple of tries, the game is very fiddly here. With the box open, you'll see there are two triangular spaces, now empty. And at the top, there are signs of the Zodiac. Hey, that means it's time for the Pirates book again! "Then, follow the direction of the zodiacs as it is written". Did you know the signs of the Zodiac have numbers associated with them? Well, they do. You can find them here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zodiac The signs inside the jewel box are: aries leo cancer taurus gemini virgo And that turns into: 1 5 4 2 3 6 Or: 1, 5, 4, 2, 3, 6 Almost done! Next, we take Juste's medallion, which was lost on a rock at the North beach early in the morning of day 2. It's got buttons. If you number the buttons like this... 1 7 2 6 3 4 5 and if you Touch buttons 1, 5, 4, 2, 3, 6... (Again, this is fiddly. Make sure your finger is completely over the buttons, not on their edges.) ...It should open, turning into a key! (Weird fact, you can omit the first number. 54236 opens it.) Notice that the missing shapes inside the jewel box resemble the opened medallion. So... if Marie also had a medallion, she must also have a key. Ok, now we're going to leave the medallion alone for a while, and instead turn our attention to the well. If you go to the Saloon, on the back wall behind the piano, you can Take some of the netting - the part hanging down on the left side - and you'll have a length of cord! Take this to the well, and Put it on the lower-right part of the central tree, so that it's possible to climb down into the well. Only at low tide, between 4:00 and 4:55 (AM or PM). If you're still down there at 5:00, you're dead. Down in the well, if you look really closely at one of the bricks to the right of the gate, you'll see an absolutely tiny skull and crossbones. This is a hint that you need the stone from Searching the aquarium in Marie's room, that has the same symbol on it. Bring it to the outside of the well, and Put that stone in the hole in one of the bricks. Ok, now climb down the well, and Push the symbol down there. The gate will open! You'll be in a cave with a large monkey-shaped fountain, a couple of shelves, a mooring ring, and several seashells filled with water, marked with death's heads. The solution to this can be found on two inscriptions you have to combine. One half is found on the back wall of the cave under Maguy's bedroom. The other half is on the base of the monkey statue in the pond, that can only be read during low tide (4:00-4:55), and only if you have Bruce's binoculars in your inventory. You can find them inside his desk in his cabin. Just to put in context how difficult this puzzle was... back in 1991, DOS computers didn't let you take screen shots. No one had mobile phones or digital cameras yet. Here's this text on the screen... in dark, murky, difficult-to-see colors. In an ugly, gothic, low-resolution font. And it's BACKWARDS. And if you found a mirror and held it next to your computer monitor, you'd discover it was WRITTEN IN SPANISH. The Internet wasn't available yet for most people, and there weren't any online translation tools yet. You had to either find someone who spoke Spanish, or had to visit a library. The assembled inscriptions read: 3 muertos pesan 2 muertos y 5 muertos 2 muertos El segundo es el primero y el primero el segundo El hierro gira sobre el senal de los piratas [The "n" in senal should have a ~ symbol above it.] Roughly, it translates into English as: 3 deads weigh 2 deads and 5 deads 2 deads The second is the first and the first the second The iron turns on the sign of the pirates So here you are, in this weird underground cave. If you Look at the shells, you'll see that three of them are marked "5", "3" and "8". That's how much water they can hold. And next to the monkey fountain are two shelves, marked with Roman numerals, "I" and "II". Here's what the inscription is really saying: In the 3-shell, put 2 measures of water, and in the 5-shell, put 2 measures of water. Put the 5-shell on shelf "I", and the 3-shell on shelf "II". Then turn your pirate's key. Step by step, here's what you do: (You need to have Juste's medallion turned into a key.) Turn the 2nd shell from the left. (This is the 3-shell.) This empties it. Take the 5-shell (the left-most one). Put the 5-shell on the 3-shell. Put the 5-shell on the left shelf. (This next part is a bit repetitive.) Turn the 3-shell to empty it. Take the middle shell on the right. (This is the 8-shell.) Put the 8-shell on the 3-shell. Turn the 3-shell again. Put the 8-shell on the 3-shell again. Turn the 3-shell again. Put the 8-shell on the 3-shell again. Drop off the 8-shell. Take the 3-shell. Put the 3-shell on the right shelf. Put the medallion key on the mooring ring below the fountain. Turn it. Now wait, for you are about to face... ======================================================================== 3.8. THE FINAL CHALLENGE ======================================================================== It's quiz time! The prequel game to this one, Mortville Manor, also had one. Because if you follow a walkthrough to get here as fast as possible, they want you to prove you've played the rest of the game. Personally I think it's just bad design. Before you keep reading this section, experiment with the quiz. Try giving wrong answers, even if you're confident about your earlier choices. If the game starts giving you follow-up questions on a specific topic, that's usually a good sign. Ignore your score at the end. Judge your success by the number of questions you're being asked. The more questions, the better you're doing. Usually. Look, it's complicated, ok? The full quiz has 19 questions, and you have to answer them all correctly. If you don't, you'll be told something like: "You have between 25 and 50 percent of correct answers". Then it will say: "There are still things you need to clarify! Carry on with your investigation", and it kicks you back to the cave. Give the game a couple of seconds to wake up, and then Turn the key to try the quiz again. Or leave the cave to go investigate some more. But you might not have any low tides left, before the game ends on day 2. To make this even more annoying... the quiz seems to rely on two lists of questions. I'll call them "Core" and "Alternative". If you give wrong answers to the Core questions, then at some point, the quiz may start giving you Alternative questions instead. And it may switch back and forth between the two lists; I don't understand how it chooses to behave. Once you start getting Alternative questions, you might only be asked 11 questions in total, or some other amount. Regardless, a single wrong answer to the Core questions means you'll fail the quiz. As for scoring the quiz, I haven't tested every possibility, but it looks like your answers to Alternative questions, right or wrong, are completely ignored. Which is an extremely cruel thing to do, making you think that you haven't understood the game's story. A few of the Alternative questions don't have enough information in the game to be able to answer them accurately! The "correct" answer is anyone's guess, and the game honestly doesn't care what you think. Only the Core questions count. The game says you have a "percentage" of correct answers, but this is a lie. It's not counting the number of correct answers. Instead, each Core question has a specific number of points, and if you answer all 19 Core questions correctly, the points add up to 100. But not all the questions are worth the same value. Below you'll find all the questions, with directions on how to find the answers. Then I'll list the questions again, spoiling the correct answers (and points), plus some personal commentary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUIZ WITH DIRECTIONS TO ANSWERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The 19 Core questions are: 1. Who is Anita? (Ask two people.) 2. Who was Anton with the night of the 31st? (Ask Anton about his schedule on day 2 at 3:00 am. Then Give him an item he likes. Or figure out where he goes without asking.) 3. Other than his murderer, who was the last person to see Juste alive? (Ask someone what they noticed on day 2 at 1:00 am.) 4. Who kidnapped Marie? (Not explained directly, you have to deduce it from several things: - Ask Anita about Marie's habits. - Examine Marie's room for evidence. - Ask Bob what he noticed on day 2 at 10:00 and 11:00 am.) 5. Who signs their name "The lady in black"? (Not explained, you have to vaguely deduce it from the general plot. Bob's obsession with accusing Anita is not correct.) 6. What does she do? (- Find a clue in the hold of the Bamboo and show it to Bruce. - Solve the piano puzzle.) 7. Where are the weapons delivered? (Search Chris' cabin.) 8. Who killed Juste? (- Follow people's movements from 1 am to 3 am. - Find an item on the pier later. - Find a clue in Juste's room and show it to Bruce or Chris.) 9. The motive? (This question, and the next three questions, are all connected and there are a lot of scattered clues. - Ask Sue what she noticed on day 1 at 6:00 pm. Give her two items she likes for additional answers. - Ask Juste what he noticed on day 1 at 6:00 pm. Give him three items he likes for additional answers. You have to do this before he locks himself in his room that evening. - What did Juste try to burn in his stove?) 10. Who did the wig belong to? (- Ask Maguy about the locked room. - Look for a clue on the bed in the locked room. The key to the door is hidden in Maguy's room. - Search Juste's room for a photo and show it to people. - Ask Anton about the other person in the photo.) 11. What happened to Lucie? (- Ask Roy, Bruce and Sue about Lucie's departure. - In Roy's cabin, find a bracelet and a watch. Show the bracelet to Anton, and the watch to Anita. - Ask Anita and Bob about the body on the South beach. - Ask Bob about his schedule on day 2 at 8:00 pm. - Ask Chris what he noticed on day 2 at 8:00 pm. - Ask Bob or Sue about Lucie.) 12. Who was Lucie? (- Ask Anita about Lucie. - Search Chris' room for a photo.) 13. The target of the shots? (Not explained, you have to vaguely deduce it from the general plot. What do you know about Chris and Roy?) 14. From what part of the South beach did the shots come? (- At the South beach, Observe on day 2 at both 10:00 and 11:00 am. - At the South Beach, ask Chris what he's doing on day 2 at 11:00 am.) 15. Who broke the bookshelf? 16. What was he looking for? (- Where are people when it happened? - Something from the room goes missing. Where does it end up later?) 17. To do what with? 18. A message received by: 19. Who is Menelik? (- Check Roy's cabin on day 2. - Solve the piano puzzle.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the case of wrong answers, there's a selection of 14 possible Alternative questions. Your answers don't seem to matter, but for the sake of pretending to understand the truth: 1. What object did Juste have in common with Marie? (Find an item on day 2 at the North beach. Show it to Sue.) 2. Who found his body? [Juste's body] (Ask someone about their schedule on day 2 at 7:00 am.) 3. What did Juste lose at the moment he died? (Find an item on day 2 at the North beach.) 4. What time were the shots fired? (You can hear this almost anywhere when it happens; or be at the South beach in the morning of day 2, and Observe every half-hour.) 5. The weapon used in Juste's crime? (Not explained directly, but you can make an educated guess by asking Anton, Bruce or Chris what they noticed on day 2 at 7:00 am.) 6. The exact hour of the crime? [against Juste] (On day 1, hide under Juste's bed before he locks himself in, and wait.) 7. Who is the lady in black's accomplice? (Not explained, you have to vaguely deduce it from the general plot.) 8. Who takes drugs? (Who has an opium pipe?) 9. Who sells drugs? (Not explained with any certainty. You can get a biased opinion by finding something hidden in the garden, then asking Anita about it.) 10. Where was Juste killed? (See replacement question 6 above.) 11. What should Bob have done? (Read all three letters in Bob's cabin.) 12. Who heard the bookshelf break? (It depends where everyone was on day 1 at 6:30 pm.) 13. Who hated Juste? (- Ask Anton about Juste's murderer. - Ask Bob what he noticed on day 2 at 7:00 am.) 14. What is the procedure? (Search Chris' cabin.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUIZ WITH ANSWERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The 19 Core questions are: 1. Who is Anita? [Score = 1] A revolutionary. [I don't think the game clearly establishes this. Chris has only heard gossip, probably from Roy, since Chris is new to the island. Anita's communism and gun aren't meaningful enough. Juste and Sue's comments about Anita aren't much help. Anita recognizes the type of bullet if you Show it to her. Still, this is a terrible question, and it's the first one.] 2. Who was Anton with the night of the 31st? [Score = 1] Sue. [Not very important, and the game makes it mildly inconvenient to figure out.] 3. Other than his murderer, who was the last person to see Juste alive? [Score = 2] Anita. [As with question 1, you have to find the exact person and the exact question to discover this.] 4. Who kidnapped Marie? [Score = 10] Nobody. [Marie faked her own kidnapping in a desperate attempt to get Bob to ship weapons for her. I don't think it was a very good plan.] 5. Who signs their name "The lady in black"? [Score = 10] Marie. [Not obvious, assumes you figured out Marie's actions. If you interpret the timing correctly, Bob receives the first letter before the Bamboo arrives.] 6. What does she do? [Score = 10] Arms traffic. 7. Where are the weapons delivered? [Score = 10] Asmera. [Only one vague clue.] 8. Who killed Juste? [Score = 10] Roy. 9. The motive? [Score = 5] A wig. 10. Who did the wig belong to? [Score = 5] Lucie. 11. What happened to Lucie? [Score = 5] She's dead. 12. Who was Lucie? [Score = 5] Other. [Some kind of secret agent.] 13. The target of the shots? [Score = 5] Chris. 14. From what part of the South beach did the shots come? [Score = 2] Trees. [Also a bit vague, the way the game mentions them.] 15. Who broke the bookshelf? [Score = 5] Roy. 16. What was he looking for? [Score = 3] A book. 17. To do what with? [Score = 4] Decode a message. 18. A message received by: [Score = 4] The piano. 19. Who is Menelik? [Score = 3] The wind. [A shaky assumption.] After the Alternative questions, see below for my closing opinions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the case of wrong answers, here are the possible Alternative questions. How you answer doesn't seem to make any difference. 1. What object did Juste have in common with Marie? A medallion. [Only one person, Sue, can tell you this.] 2. Who found his body? [Juste's body] Chris. 3. What did Juste lose at the moment he died? A medallion. [Tricky to find, if you're not searching places several times during the game.] 4. What time were the shots fired? 10:30. 5. The weapon used in Juste's crime? [Unknown. You can find old daggers, but they're too dull. You can find some sharp sailor's knives, and Roy has a razor in his cabin, but none of them disappear while Roy is out. Bulls**t question.] 6. The exact hour of the crime? [against Juste] 1:30. 7. Who is the lady in black's accomplice? Roy. 8. Who takes drugs? Bruce. 9. Who sells drugs? [Unknown. The game simply doesn't give enough information, and the answer doesn't matter. If you ask Anita about drug traffic, she says she wouldn't be surprised if it was Roy. On the other hand, Anita is quite willing to speak badly of anyone she dislikes. If Roy is Bruce's dealer, why all the pretense of using the hole in the tree? Why not make the exchange on the boat? Marie seems just as likely. Does Roy only do this on Maupiti? Does Bruce have no idea who his dealers are? Why is there a sailor's knife in the garden? A French magazine walkthrough published in MicroNews 44 suggested that Marie was Bruce's dealer.] 10. Where was Juste killed? At his place. [No blood though.] 11. What should Bob have done? Raise the yellow flag. 12. Who heard the bookshelf break? [Possibly Chris. If you ask him what he noticed on day 1 at 6:00 pm, when he was in Sue's room, he says "Bob was at Anita's. They had a big fight. Things got broken." I think it's possible he heard the bookshelf being broken, and assumed it was happening in Anita's room. Or maybe Bob was smashing Anita's stuff, trying to intimidate her, and nobody heard the bookshelf being broken.] 13. Who hated Juste? Bruce. [He's racist.] 14. What is the procedure? Cicero. [In Chris' cabin, the game devs forgot to translate the name to English, which is "Ciceron" in French.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The game ends with two disappointing screens of text. Marie has somehow escaped, with no explanation, nor justice. You find her cache of weapons. It doesn't feel very rewarding. The devs promote a sequel game that didn't get made. Did Roy get arrested? Did Anita and Sue still decide to leave? Was Maguy able to stay in business? Could Bruce handle things without Roy, or did he and Maguy settle down together? Did you tell Chris what you discovered, to help with his mission? No idea! And that, my friends, is Maupiti Island. Lots of potential and ideas, just... poorly implemented. Thanks for playing, and my deepest sympathies! ======================================================================== 3.9. TIMELINE AND STORY ======================================================================== Much of the game's story is rather ambiguous, but here's how I've understood things: At least 2 years before the events in the game, Marie was working as a gun smuggler for Menelik (The Wind) in Asmera. Openly, she works as a prostitute on Maupiti Island, at Maguy's brothel. Marie's mechanical piano, equipped to receive messages, is delivered to Maupiti on an Egyptian boat. Marie puts her ashtray in the bar. Marie loves swimming and diving, locating hidden caves on the island. Somehow she finds all the clues and items relating to the Vargas brothers (the twin pirates), and their secret in the well. Marie possesses one of the two medallions that were in the Vargas' jewel box. Juste, the last indigenous inhabitant on Maupiti, who works as a handyman for Maguy, has the other. Marie's smuggling is done with Roy's help, on the Bamboo. It's not clear to what extent that Bruce, the captain, is aware of it. He doesn't seem to know about the piano. Bruce has a drug addiction, supplied by either Roy or Marie (or both). Roy is often in charge of the boat when Bruce's addictions are being a problem. On Maupiti, Bruce is in love with Maguy, and had a brief fling with Marie. This upset Maguy. Bruce appears to still have feelings towards both of them, despite claiming he's no longer interested in Marie. A secret agent (0012), calling herself Lucie, came to the island to investigate the smuggling. She had dark hair, disguised with a blonde wig. She appears to have befriended Juste, then ransacked his room and stole his amulet, which she later threw away. Lucie went where she wanted, also swimming and diving. Her overly nosey behavior didn't endear her to Anita or Marie. At some point, Marie felt she was getting too close. Lucie was secretly murdered, probably by Roy, who dumped her body in the sea, keeping her pocket watch and her bracelet. Roy tells people that Lucie had been scared for her life, and had stowed away in his cabin on the Bamboo, disembarking on Mauritius. Bruce wasn't aware she was on the boat, and Sue was surprised Lucie left without saying anything. (Sue owed her money.) It's not clear how long ago this happened, but no one was especially upset by her departure, and they don't remember much about her. Wednesday, January 27, 1954: At the port of Mahe in the Seychelles, Bruce hires a replacement sailor named Chris. Roy is upset that Bruce did this without consulting him. Bruce shuts himself in his cabin and doesn't come out for two days, leaving Roy and Chris to manage the boat. Roy quickly determines that Chris is useless at sea, and wants him gone. Chris is actually another secret agent, investigating Lucie's disappearance and the arms smuggling. He's also a heavy smoker who leaves his cigarette butts everywhere. Saturday, January 30, 1954: The Brisban arrives on Maupiti. Bob, the Brisban's captain, is an obsessed, overly possessive boyfriend who wants Marie to leave the island with him. Upon arrival, he tells Marie he doesn't like how she sleeps with other men. Unsure if the Bamboo will arrive due to the hurricane in the area, Marie writes Bob a letter as "The lady in black" ordering him to help with an urgent shipment, and that she will get in touch later that evening. She sends Bob a second note saying the shipment will be on Monday, February 1, loading on the night of the 31st, and to hoist a yellow flag if he agrees. (It's not clear how she'll manage this by herself, especially since Bob knows what Marie looks like.) That evening, Maguy makes a customary cup of tea for Marie, and notices that the cup has been moved after she left it for a few minutes. Sunday, January 31, 1954: Some time between 11:00 pm on the 30th and 2:00 am on the 31st, the Bamboo arrives on Maupiti, its hull badly damaged. Roy tells Bruce about Chris' poor sailing skills and that they should leave him on the island. Bruce says he'll decide later. At some point during the night, Marie fakes her disappearance. Her teacup has camphor in it, probably from the kitchen. (Maguy uses it as an occasional sleeping aid.) Marie's bed hasn't been slept in, and she didn't change into her pajamas. Her ashtray is empty, despite Marie typically smoking a cigarette before going to sleep. Marie appears to have retrieved money and possibly other things from two secret places in her room, and opens her window, smashing the glass to fake the appearance of a break-in. By accident, some of the glass lands in the adjacent aquarium and under the dresser. Marie makes her escape, leaving behind many of her things. 7:00 am: Maguy knocks on Marie's door, not seeing her at home, and notices the broken window. 8:30 am: Bob, who has not agreed to the Lady in black's demands, shows Maguy a third letter he's received: Marie has been kidnapped in exchange for his cooperation. Bob immediately suspects Anita, a former revolutionary, possibly due to her blunt personality and her open dislike of Marie. 9:00 am: Maguy asks Detective Lange to investigate Marie's kidnapping. 10:00 am: Detective Lange begins his investigation. Chris uses his transmitter in his cabin to talk to someone. He probably snuck out earlier, leaving a cigarette butt behind the bushes outside Maguy's. 11:00 am: Bob begins his search for Marie. He often returns to the Pond. 12:00 pm: Bruce leaves money inside a hollow tree on the South beach, expecting drugs. When nothing happens, he repeatedly returns to the beach to check again, desperate for his next fix. Back at the Pier, Roy chews out Chris for being late to work. Bruce and Roy inspect the damage; the Bamboo will be under repair for the next week. A secret message arrives inside the piano in the saloon. 1:30 pm: Over the course of the afternoon, Chris searches the rooms of Anita, Lucie, and Juste. Roy sleeps with Sue. Bruce sleeps with Maguy. 5:30 pm: Roy prints out the piano's message, but can't retrieve it yet. 6:00 pm: Up at the North beach, Juste finds Lucie's wig in his fishing nets, seen at a distance by Sue and Roy. Juste becomes very scared. 6:30 pm: Bob has a loud argument with Anita, accusing her of kidnapping Marie, which she denies. Roy uses this opportunity to break open the bookshelves in Marie's room, and takes her chess book. In the adjoining room, Chris asks Sue what she knows about Maupiti and the cargo that the ships carry. 7:00 pm: Juste locks himself in his room and tries burning Lucie's wig. The smoke can be seen from the pier. Bob leaves an anonymous note with Anita, asking her to come to the well at midnight. 10:00 pm: Roy gets drunk at the bar, or pretends to, waiting until he's alone. 11:00 pm: Roy retrieves the message from the piano, dumping the contents of the ashtray on the floor. He sits in the bar, decoding it with the chess book. Maguy hears noise and comes down to check a little later, but finds no one. Monday, February 1, 1954: 12:00 am: While Anita is out of her room, Bob searches it. Anita walks around for a while, briefly bumping into Juste. She's the last person to see him alive. 1:30 am: Roy breaks into Juste's home through the window and kills him, cutting his throat. (Or maybe he knocks Juste out and cuts his throat later.) The diamond in Roy's earring accidentally falls out. Roy takes Juste's body to the North beach and dumps him in the sea. Juste's medallion gets stuck on a rock just off the shore. 2:00 am: Roy sneaks back to the pier, accidentally losing the key to Juste's room. Inside his cabin, he puts a replacement diamond in his earring. Chris searches the Saloon and the bar. Anton sneaks out to sleep with Sue, against Bob's orders, and is seen by Bruce, who's having trouble sleeping. 5:00 am: A strongbox appears in the water of the pond. It's not clear how it got there, nor what's in it, but it was probably left by Marie(?). It's seen by Anton, who mentions it to the other sailors. 7:00 am: Chris finds Juste's body that the tide has washed up at the pier. Bruce, being racist, doesn't help rescue his corpse. Chris sees that Juste's throat has been cut. A little later he buries the body behind Juste's home. The piano in the saloon receives a second message. Detective Lange will print this out and decode it later, after finding the first decoded note and the chess book in Roy's cabin. Roy retrieves the strongbox from the pond. At some point since Roy arrived on Maupiti, he's managed to warn Marie about Chris. 10:00 am: Bob, still not satisfied after searching Anita's room, harasses her further. Maguy calls everyone to the Saloon, to tell them she thinks Chris is responsible for Juste's murder. Roy, meanwhile, is walking with Chris on the South beach, trying to discover his true identity. Marie tries to shoot Chris from the trees. It's not clear if Roy helped to arrange this, or if he was genuinely surprised. Marie's shots miss, and she escapes. Roy runs back to Maguy's, where everyone has gathered outside. Bob wonders who fired the shots, since everyone is accounted for. 12:00 pm: After speaking with Chris in the garden, Maguy no longer suspects him of kidnapping Marie. Chris searches around Juste's home again, where he bumps into Roy, searching for his lost diamond. 3:00 pm: Sue doesn't want to stay on Maupiti anymore, and Anita agrees to go with her. (It's surprising that Anita is willing to go on Bob's boat, considering how he's been treating her for the last day and a half.) 4:00 pm: Like he did earlier on the South beach, Roy keeps trying to pressure Chris into revealing who he really is and what he's doing there. Anton informs Anita that their boat will be leaving at 11 pm that night. Detective Lange finds his way into the well, after having solved the puzzle of the Vargas pirate twins, and locates the cave where Marie has been hiding her arms shipments. She's already left somehow. 6:30 pm: Anton sleeps with Anita. Bruce, still looking for his drug fix, discovers Lucie's corpse washed up at the South beach. With her disfigured face and without her wig, he assumes it's Marie's body. She appears to have drowned, which is unusual since she (both Marie and Lucie) were good swimmers. Bruce informs everyone at Maguy's of the news. Bob immediately goes to the beach and buries her. (This has the unfortunate side-effect of no one being able to definitively identify the body.) All Bob wants now, is to get away from the island. 11:00 pm: The Brisban leaves Maupiti. ======================================================================== 3.10. WALKTHROUGHS AND OTHER RESOURCES ======================================================================== There are very few English walkthroughs for this game. I'll provide a bare-minimum one at the end of this section. The terrible game manual is here: https://www.oldgames.sk/en/game/maupiti-island/download/2868/ A so-so walkthrough can be found here: https://www.walkthroughking.com/text/maupitiisland.aspx There was a solution to the game published in a French magazine called Tilt. It's almost fully accurate for the English DOS version, and explains how the game devs thought the solution could be worked out by players. An English translation by Hoagie is here: https://www.abandonware-france.org/ltf_abandon/ltf_solutions.php?id_soluce=96 And the original French version is here: https://lankhor.net/jeux.php?jeu=16&menu=documents&ident=226 Here's a sequence of six posts made by Ilmari, describing their experience playing the game: (1) https://advgamer.blogspot.com/2016/02/game-67-maupiti-island-1991-introduction.html (2) https://advgamer.blogspot.com/2016/03/maupiti-island-game-mechanics.html (3) https://advgamer.blogspot.com/2016/03/maupiti-island-cast-and-events.html (4) https://advgamer.blogspot.com/2016/03/maupiti-island-physical-evidence.html (5) https://advgamer.blogspot.com/2016/03/maupiti-island-won.html (6) https://advgamer.blogspot.com/2016/03/maupiti-island-final-rating.html Here are a series of YouTube videos by Blue Moonshine, playing the Atari ST version (similar to the Amiga version). It includes subtitles with comments: (1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6x0tHN9rbg&t=50s (2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_Kt98WQG60&t=14s (3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzdqTl67hD8&t=14s (4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x40Elix1t-Q&t=14s (5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7f9rVUViqws&t=15s (6) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHVxHIF1DIc&t=15s And this is a retrospective review of the game by Richard Cobbett, written in December 2022: https://www.pcgamer.com/saturday-crapshoot-maupiti-island/ If you can understand French, the resources I relied upon to write this guide came from the fan site run by Fredo: https://lankhor.net/jeux.php?jeu=16&menu=presentation A French message forum is here: https://forum.abandonware.org/viewforum.php?f=9 And here's my minimalist walkthrough, if you want to reach the end of the game as quickly as possible, with no clue of what's going on: Move: In front of Maguy's. Move: Choose on screen: The second upstairs door from the right. Search: Aquarium. Continue, Continue, until you see a stone. Take the stone. Stop. Move: In the saloon. Take: The cord hanging on the left side of the back wall. Move: Outside. Move: At the pond. Move: At the well. Put: Cord on the middle tree (lower-right part of its trunk). Inventory: (Choose the stone). Put: Stone on the little hole (on the side of the well). Wait: Until 1:00 am, or just afterwards. Move: At the north beach. (You have to leave this location before 2:00 am.) Wait or stay on the screen until the clock shows at least 1:30 am. Search: The small rock out in the water (in the middle). Continue, several times, until you see a medallion. Take the medallion. Move: At the well. Drop off: The medallion. Search: The knotted handkerchief (bottom-right on the screen). Touch: From left to right, Touch the buttons in this order: 5, 4, 2, 3, 6. When successful, it will visibly change. Take it. Wait or stay on the screen until 4:00 am. Move: In the well. (You have to complete the following steps before 5:00 am.) (If you miss this time window, you'll need to eat breakfast and lunch in the Saloon, or you'll probably die before 4:00 pm, the next low tide when you can enter the well.) Push: The brick to the right of the round gate. Move: In the passageway. Put: The medallion on the ring (under the monkey head). Turn: The second shell from the left (called shell-3 from now on). Take: The shell on the far left. Put: The shell you're holding on shell-3. Put: The shell you're holding on the shelf to the left of the monkey head. Turn: Shell-3. Take: The middle shell on the right. Put: The shell you're holding on shell-3. Turn: Shell-3. Put: The shell you're holding on shell-3. Turn: Shell-3. Put: The shell you're holding on shell-3. Drop off: The shell you're holding. Take: Shell-3. Put: The shell you're holding on the shelf to the right of the monkey head. Turn: The ring under the monkey head. Answer the questions as follows: A revolutionary, Sue, Anita, Nobody, Marie, Arms traffic, Asmera, Roy, A wig, Lucie, She's dead, Other, Chris, Trees, Roy, A book, Decode a message, The piano, The wind. Fin! (The End!) ("Who the hell is Fred?!") ========================================================================